Final Mix
For my first pure levain FWSY loaf I'm quite happy. It turned out well and tasted good. But I'm starting to lose patience with my inability to get an impressive bloom.
Shaping: When shaping, I'm not sure I'm managing to get sufficient tension into the dough. The dough is difficult to handle and I'm not confident I'm doing this as well as I should.
Proofing and baking: I found the finger-dent test hard to do, as the dough was quite sticky - even with a floured finger. The dough really spread when I tipped it out - it didn't hold its shape like the ones that were proofed in the fridge did, so it looked more messy going into the Dutch Oven.
Final Mix
Ingredients: For the first time I used plain (all-purpose) white flour rather than strong white four, as Ken Forkish recommends. I don't think this made a noticeable difference to the flavour or texture, but I may not be tuned into the subtleties
Shaping, proofing and baking: Overall I was rushed and less focused than usual, as was starting on a new project as was trying to complete the bread preparation and baking steps in between and during work calls.
Shaping: I felt like the shaping went better than some efforts, but the dough was just as difficult to handle afterwards, and the final results were no better or worse.
Proofing and baking: Again, the dough spread when I released it from the basket, and had stuck slightly in places, making this challenging. It looked messy going into the Dutch Oven and the final shape reflects it being up against the sides.