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MODZI Artist-In-Residence | 2023 Application Form

APPLICATION DEADLINE | FRIDAY 31st MARCH 2023 | MIDNIGHT CAT Modzi AIR is open for our 2023 residency programme! We are proud to present to all emerging to mid-career artists from all around the world, for another chance to exchange different art practices within the Lusaka context. We welcome international and local artists working as musicians, painters, sculptors, writers, photographers, landscape architects and sustainable designers, to come and toil the art scene in Lusaka, Zambia. About Modzi Arts | Modzi Arts is a groundbreaking art institution co-founded in 2016 to combine the best of Zambian arts and culture. We look to strengthen the modern, contemporary Zambian narrative locally and international. Through access, residency, programming, Modzi introduces the network to artists and curators and strengthens the livelihood of our local community. Located in a 1970's recently restored building, houses a gallery, studio, kitchen, office, art farm, performance, music production, library of tools & books and living spaces. About the Residency | The residency is self funded and has an open duration between 1 to 3 months, anywhere between May 2023 and April 2024. This residency is open to artists with the intent to share ideas in a collaborative context. We host numerous exhibitions, residencies, artist talks and workshops throughout the year encouraging residents to engage with. Modzi Arts is eager to uphold artistic growth, contribute to the art network and share valuable knowledge. We want to inspire artists to think on a more critical level and help sharpen the relations within the contemporary art world. Modzi Arts looks to crystallize a revolution where artists’ provocative questions of interconnection within our cultural spheres, try to dissect obvious assumptions on what purposes art within Africa saves within our different societies. About the Workspace | The Modzi AIR programme takes place in the heart of Lusaka, Zambia. We offer you a shared living space allowing for a more personal interaction between artists and different audiences. You will have full access to our library, diverse gallery collection, studio space with a wide variety of tools available and guidance from our team in what you feel needed. Herein lie some of our interests involving a tremendous sense of seeing and interrogating the progressiveness of art within Lusaka. Our residency space has recently been updated and renovated by the amazing support of the ANT funding grant by Pro Helvetia Johannesburg financed by the Swiss Agency for development and Cooperation (SDC). Terms and Conditions Apply

Art form
Upload Portrait
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Upload 5 images of recent work
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Statement on what you would like to achieve during your residency at Modzi AIR (up to 250 words)
  • {name}
CV/ Resume
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When would you like to participate in the residency?
How long would you like to participate in the residency?
Monthly Cost of Residency (Workspace)
T & C apply if living within Modzi home
Monthly Cost of Accommodation
T & C apply if living within Modzi home
T & C apply if living within Modzi home
Will you be staying at the Modzi Shared Home?

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