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Project Gallery Submission Form

Please note that we will ask you to agree to the Official Terms regarding sharing your project with the City of New York. Official Rules:

Are you 18 years or older?
Short bio
Please include a two-sentence bio about yourself so that NYC Open Data users can learn more about you. If your project is posted, this will be included on your project's Project Page on the NYC Open Data Project Gallery.

This is the title of your project that will be displayed on the NYC Open Data Project Gallery if your project is posted. No need to include "NYC Open Data" in the title since all projects in the gallery use NYC Open Data.
Please include a link to your project so that we can hyperlink to it from the Project Gallery if your project is posted.
Short Project Summary
This is the description that will be displayed on the NYC Open Data Project Gallery if your project is posted. No need to explain what NYC Open Data is. Max 300 characters.

Project Goal and Inspiration
Please write 2-3 sentences about the goal of your project. Address the following: What inspired you to create this project? What does this project aim to accomplish? How does it make the data more accessible to users? If your project is posted, this response will be shared on the Project Gallery.

How did you build this project?
Please address the following: How long did it take you to complete your project? Did you have any help? Which tools did you use? How did you use NYC Open Data dataset(s)? We appreciate details here; please aim for 4-6 sentences. This response will be shared on the Project Gallery if your project is posted.

Tagging your project
Please select at least 2 tags that relate to your project. If you have an idea for a tag that is not listed, please submit it via "other" and we'll consider adding it as a tagging option.
Please submit the link to the first NYC Open Data data asset (dataset, map, chart, external link) that you used in your project.
Photo of Yourself / Avatar Image
Please share a photo of yourself or an avatar image for us to include in your project's Project Page on the NYC Open Data website. Please upload a jpg/png image, 1:1 proportions (square dimensions), minimum 150px X 150px. Participants may, but are not required to, include photographs or other likenesses of themselves with their submissions.
Attach file
Drop files here
Header image
Submit an image (high resolution in jpg or png file format, minimum 1600px X 500px, a screenshot of the project counts here) that will be displayed as the main header image on your Project Page if your project is posted. Make sure your image is in color, and does not have a white background.
Attach file
Drop files here
Additional project images
You can include up to two additional images of your project by uploading them here. Images must be in jpg / png (high resolution in jpg or png file format, minimum 1600px X 500px) and may be cropped to fit the Project Gallery page. We recommend submitting at least one additional image. Additional images could include screenshots of the project, images of the creation process, or other images relevant to the submission.
Attach file
Drop files here
By checking this box, I hereby represent and affirm that I have read, have complied with, and will continue to comply with all the rules, regulations, terms and conditions set forth in the Official Rules; that all of the information I have provided and will provide to NYC Open Data has been and will be true, accurate, and complete; that I have not perpetrated and will not perpetrate any fraud or deception in connection with this submission; and that I have not sought to influence the decision behind the publication of this submission as expressly permitted in the Official Rules.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form