
Lorem ipsum


Apply to learn more about the Badass Birthers Club and how you can create flexible birth and postpartum plans, cultivate a kickass support team, inspire confidence through all the unknowns, and connect with a community of like-minded parents in a similar phase of life -- all without the judgment and societal pressures that can constantly weigh you down.

How would you describe your current life situation! Pregnant? Postpartum? Chasing 3 kids and tearing your hair out?
Choose all that apply
  • Trying to Conceive
  • Pregnant (1st Trimester)
  • Pregnancy (2nd Trimester)
  • Pregnant (3rd Trimester)
  • Postpartum (less than 1yr)
  • Postpartum (more than 1 yr)
What is your biggest challenge through this season?
  • {name}
What kind of support system do you have in place?
  • {name}
What are you most excited about or seeking within Badass Birthers Club
Choose all that apply
  • Community
  • Guidance on picking my birth team
  • Help building my birth plan
  • Help navigating postpartum
  • Understanding what the heck is happening with my body
  • Knowing how to handle the intensity of labor
  • Processing my birth experience
  • Navigating relationships in this new phase
  • Support in not losing my sense of self/identity
  • Figuring out my new normal with work and kids and relationships
  • Quitting Google!
  • Understanding what I should/shouldn't be doing through this phase
When are you looking to get started with BBC?
Anything else you want to share?
Need to elaborate on any answers above? This is your space to share!
  • {name}

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