Ur.C.A.A. + Urban (Con)temporary Aeroponic Agriculture
Starting by the URCA project we conceived * Ur.C.A.A.+ * a project which aims to contribute integrate aspects of food production, not only as a strategy toward urban requalification as widely recognized environmental approach, but especially as social and economical benefits. In fact, with the implementation of new technologies for food and plant production, with the additional aims of development skills for involved actors in an innovative farm system, with the *Ur.C.A.A.+* project, we intends to contribute to set up a new market for new economy as well as new professional competences especially for disadvantage and elderly people.
The *Ur.C.A.A.+ *Project proposes to establish and disseminate an original training on Soilless Urban Agriculture at the European level to develop skills for actors of sustainable agricultural development.
Urban-Agriculture, providing new paradigms for management of natural resources, challenges the interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies.
World food demand is expected to increase by 70% by 2050 (FAO). The dramatic increase in global food demand will be accompanied by a steep increase in the demand for feed, fibre, biomass, and biomaterial. This will inevitably trigger a supply reaction from Union's agriculture which is one of the biggest suppliers to global agricultural markets. Union agriculture provides more than 40% of total food production in the OECD.
In 2050, about 70% of the global population will live in cities. As a result, problems concerning sustainability and quality of life are becoming increasingly urgent for these urban areas
Increased and sustainable agricultural output will be achievable only with major research and innovation efforts at all levels. Repeatedly, researchers and stakeholders have highlighted the gap between the provision of research results and the application of innovative approaches to farming practice. New approaches take too long to arrive on the ground, and the needs of practical farming are not communicated sufficiently to the scientific community
Increased productivity and competitiveness of agriculture calls, first of all, for improved resource efficiency in order to produce with less water, energy, fertilizers (especially phosphorus and nitrogen), and pesticides.
Moreover, education and training are essential for developing the skills needed. Strengthening the farmers' position in the supply chain requires innovative approaches that enhance transparency, information, and management capacity and deliver new quality products.
Main target of the Ur.C.A.A.+ Project, is to define the potential of urban agriculture as new urban regeneration method. In detail, Ur.C.A.A.+, startind by the original project UrCA (supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Higher Education of Tuscany Region, Italy, under the research grant PRAF of Year 2012-2015 Contract Number DD 6107/201), developed by Interuniversity Center ABITA of University of Florence, mean integrate aspects of food production not only as a strategy toward urban requalification as widely recognized environmental approach, but expecially as social and economical benefits. In fact, with the implementation of new technolgies for food and plant production, wih the additionl aims of develpment skills for involved actors in an innovative farm system, the Ur.C.A.A.+ project intends to open a new market for new economy as well as, new professional competences expecially for disadvantage people into the world.
The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project, , wants to achieve metropolitan solutions for urban agriculture with the aim of realizing metropolitan, condominium and personals greenhouses, based on soilless technologies, that – in close relationship with the surrounding rural areas - will produce twice the amount of food with half the amount of input, that can be applied at local and/or regional level to most of the European cities.
Ur.C.A.A.+ aims to improve possibilities and potentials of integrating agriculture in architecture, in degradated areas, as brownfield and marginal areas, as well in extreme climate conditions and in disadvantages environments, taking advantage of vertical aeroponic technologies in order to pursue an environmental, architectural and social requalification and re-functionalization of any human settlements.
The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies.
This includes the search for new cultivation systems and producing varieties that can withstand disease and climate change, which in turn leads to less input of fertilizer or plant protection products. In addition to efficiency, it is important to also develop new configurations for the cultivation of vegetables and legumes, without land.
With Ur.C.A.A.+ Project we addressed aspects such as Food production (sustainable growth), Greenhouse idro/aeroponic technology (permanent & temporary installations), Integrated ecological sub-systems (indoor climate & life support systems), Metropolitan solutions (urban agriculture), Food quality (biological control), Innovative fertilization and nutrient (nutrient availability, quality, impacts), High Technology Farming (ICT & robotics).
The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project proposes to set up and disseminate an original training on Soilless Urban Agriculture at the European level to develop skills for actors of sustainable agricultural development.
Urban-Agriculture, providing new paradigms for management of natural resources, challenges the interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies.