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Activity's Title
Thursday 10.10.2019
Guided visit to Marco Polo TVET institute in Florence
Introduction to SIF 2019
The Tuscany Regional Minister for education welcome to SIF participants
Cumulus - Alliance
IVETA - Alliance
The EU Commission Italy welcome to SIF participants
Skillman: networking in the EU and in the other countries
Education and Training Systems to respond to Industry 4.0 needs and ethical issues
A strategy for the employment of the future
Getting Skills Right: Adapting to changing skill needs
Space Human Mission Exploration: Enabling Technologies
ETF & CoVE: the EU strategy for the Excellence in VET
Future technological trends and skills revolution - panel of experts
Introduction to workgroups
Group's picture
Social Dinner @ restaurant will be indicated soon- € 35
Introduction to day 2
Curriculum 4.0: Towards pan-European Guidelines
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills - Towards a common vision on addressing SMEs skills needs in the automotive sector: strengthening the development of upskilling and reskilling strategies
CPSC’s Initiatives for Sustainable & Quality TVET in The Asia Pacific Region
Ur.C.A.A. + Urban (Con)Temporary Aeroponic Agricolture
Design and Smart Manufacturing: which skills for the next designers’ generation?
TECNIMETRO - sectoral skills foresight technologyand skills anticipation lifecycle
Trends in the Italian VET system, progress towards the Brudges Communiqué
Tuscany Region VET system
Coffee break
Workshop A - ECVET – EQF framework and ESCO classification
Workshop C - MEMEVET Mechatronics and Metallurgical VET for sectors’ industries
Workshop D - ESCO db and it's application within the skills foresight technologies
Workshop E - Tra educazione e organizzazione, quali competenze - open to didacta guests - ONLY Italian language
Workshop F - SELFIE Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies
Workshop G - Transnational Mobility and Learning
Workshop H - CARONTE: skills for VET learners, young entrepreneurs and future innovators
Workshop I - Fit4FoF - Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future
Workshop L - ETF European Training Foundation: setting up and running the CoVE
Cofee break
Workshops A - policy inputs Report
Workshops B - policy inputs Report
Workshops C - policy inputs Report
Workshops D - policy inputs Report
Workshops E - policy inputs Report
Workshops F - policy inputs Report
Workshops G - policy inputs Report
Workshops H - policy inputs Report
Workshops I - policy inputs Report
Workshops L - policy inputs Report
UNESCO’s 17 goals and promoting the Skillman presence in Asian countries - Panel of experts
Awards ambassadors Ceremony
The Policy paper pillars of the skillman 2019 vision - OFFICIAL DECLARATION
Closing Remarks: to the next year
Session 1.0 - Insights on Italian VET & education
Session 1.1 - REGISTRATION
Session 1.2 - Introductory speeches and welcome messages
Session 2.1 - Team building
Session 2.2 - Night events
Friday 11.10.2019
Session 3.1 - Specialistic speeches
Session 3.2 - Expert insights on Italian VET & education
Session 3.3 - Break
Session 4.0 - Workshops Round 1
Session 5.1 - Team building
Session 5.2 - Break
Session 6.1 - Workshops Round 2
Session 6.2 - Break
Session 7.0 - Policy inputs
Session 8.0 - Conclusion Ceremony
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Start Time
End Time
Session Coordinator with organisation
Speakers & tutors with organisation
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Technical Institute for Tourism "Marco Polo"
Giulia Ucciero - Project assistant Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Networking meetings room side to 'Sala della volta'
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Cristina Grieco - Minister responsible for Vocational and Training Sector Tuscany Regional Government
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Lorenzo Imbesi - Professor of design Cumulus / La Sapienza University, Rome
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
The Asia Pacific Region Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges in Art, Design and Media partners with Skillman. Cumulus has strong presence in the European Union within its global membership of 299 institutions from 56 countries. Cumulus is the only global association representing art, design and media education in the world. It was founded in 1990 and can reach over 1000.000 students and tens of thousands of academics, staff and professionals. Cumulus shares knowledge and develops the planet with excellent partners and it is endorsed by UNESCO.
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Julian Ng - Vice-President (Europe) for IVETA IVETA / Warnborough College
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Vittorio Calaprice - Policy analyses and institutional relations at the EU Commission in Italy European Commission - Representation in Italy
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society)
Giovanni Crisonà - Leader
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Skillman role in EU and other countries Over the past years, several questions have been asked about the role of the advanced manufacturing in our future society and about the changes coming from the latest innovations and the so called 4.0 technologies, the artificial intelligence, the automation and the robotics that reshape industries and jobs. The Skillman members have identified an increasing urgency to understand the new needs of skills related to the development of the manufacturing enabled by the digital technologies and by these latest advanced systems and processes and are aimed to discuss the impact and the characteristics of these changes. Our young community of experts, academics and practitioners nurtures a simple but crucial reflection about how the TVET organisations, and the world of education in general could help to make the future workers, the today students, able to perform, understand and act like antibodies in protection against the possible misuse of these most recent technologies, of the increased capacity of calculation and communication and finally also of the facilitated access to relevant and concentrated energies and powers that altogether, with the presence of new materials, draw unexplored scenarios and create unknown risks. I have personally identified, in the last years, at least two most relevant challenges that motivate me to contribute to the skillman mission and one great opportunity given by these two own challenges: by one side, we felt the need to make not leaving anyone behind in accessing to the AM skills, because this gap of a diffused knowledge and capacities promises to increase an evident distance among the more developed welfare society or developing countries and the last underdeveloped economies. The Skillman Secretariat, to bring to life this concept, has recently started various collaborations with Ministries of Education, Universities and TVET centers in Madagascar, Nigeria, Nepal etc. In the other side, we have seen a relevant need to embed, with a solid and consistent arrangement, the ethical skills in the AM skills sets to distribute the power of control at the lower level. The Skillman Secretariat and its members are engaged for this purpose, to define standards for skill needs anticipation and deployment, working on a skills foresight model and on the continuous design of a set of skills, procedures and curriucula through collaborations with various organisations and EU tools like the ESCO and ECVET Secretariats, the Cedefop, the Sefie and more other networks, national and regional authorities. Given, for the TVET systems, the early nature of the Industry 4.0 skills scenario, the opportunity for the members is to create and diffuse an innovative and sustainable model of intervention that is good for the future generations prosperity and that could represents the base for promoting a specialised ethical approach to the 4.0 skills development. But the future generations prosperity also depend by the availability of a decent employment, so our challenges and opportunities bring to several more questions: what could be the consequences of a such TVET systems that would limit their intervention to just respond to the productivity demands, to the industrialization needs, to the modernity and consumption, without providing the future workers with the knowledge and the capacities asked for an equitable, peaceful and green society? who could pay the price of an army of workers willing to do whatever it takes to get a salary? What could be the cost for such a society and what could be the ultimate consequence for the planet? All the Skillman Forums base their central topics around the more technical aspects of the “Curriculum design, Sectoral skills development and Ethical issues on Advanced Manufacturing sector” and base, around these topics, the reason of a technical debate that tends to generate innovation and know how coherente with the 4.0 challenges for the skills of tomorrow and for a sustainable, green and ethical development. This year again our forum will take a holistic approach to continue a concrete debate about the skills anticipation exercise and the way how these emerging skills can be developed and sourced in a continuous approach of lifelong learning. We are keen to analyse the different types of skills that employers are looking for and how the TVET, education and training systems are responding to these challenges. For our network, the SIF 2019 it’s again a great annual opportunity to reinforce and develop new partnerships and cohesion around our questions. Who are the ones who can identify the skills for the future, how these information can be circulated, can how the skills can be acquired, what are the obstacles and the solutions available and many other questions are on the table. It’s our conviction that it is good to foster the existing collaborations across countries to bring new ideas and solutions to life: our cross country approach, behind the EU borders, where the was born, it is at the heart of our mission and we look at a new way to improve our roles in the TVET systems engaging innovators, investors, companies, institutions and policy makers from every point of the global education chain, providing a platform for them to connect and work together for a more sustainable future. We strongly believe that our multinational dimension, our cross-countries and cross-continents approach it is nowaday not an option, but an inevitable necessity. Coming at the fifth year of the SIF, I am again particularly glad to welcome all of the participants for an interesting debate and interaction. I wish you the most successful experience.
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Rupert Maclean - UNESCO Chair on TVET and Sustainable Development, Consultant of Belt & Road Alliance for International Applied Education and Training China Asia
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Education and Training Systems in Response to Industry 4.0 Needs and Ethical Issues: Key Trends This keynote presentation examines the role of TVET in meeting changing workforce needs and challenges in the light of the needs of Industry 4.0, sustainable development, the greening of jobs and economies and promoting inclusive growth and greater equity in economies and societies. The presentation examines five Mega-trends currently affecting global and national economies and societies. In the light of such trends the presentation argues that there is a need to undertake a major, fundamental ‘Re-engineering of TVET for Change’, rather than just making minor ad-hoc chances to current TVET systems which involve ‘tinkering with the system’. Suggestions are made as to the ways in which TVET systems should be re-engineered for change.
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Marco Bentivogli - General Secretary FIM CISL
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
A strategy for the employment of the future The work of the future represents a “megatrend” in which many complexities and variables play a role. But almost everything will depend on us, on how we imagine the world of tomorrow. With 90% of humanity, as someone suggests, on the bench, living with benefits and 1% of workers; or a humanity freed from heavy, risky and repetitive jobs that can express the great unexpressed human potential, finally freeing man in his work. So we are therefore in front of a blank page on which we should be able to write how we want the work of tomorrow to be. The technology in this scenario is not an enemy; indeed it is necessary for the construction of new tools and work processes to which we are all called to participate: trade union, workers, company, should put aside the 20th Century. In this perspective, training and education will be fundamental. As metalworkers we have strongly desired it in the new contract as a subjective right to study, but it is not enough: we need much more and quality, together with a new educational system that considers training and life-long learning as a constant in the life of all of us. No one should be left behind; it is necessary to use and manage in the best possible way the technological transition, to recover the differences and inequalities that, starting from the early 1980s of the last century, have gradually added up to block the dynamism of the middle class, fueling a sense general lack of confidence in the future, a fertile ground for the populist movements emerged in Western democracies. Only by regaining trust in the future, together we can overcome the challenges that the complexity of this "new era" places before us. ********************* Keywords: technology, work, innovation, contract, factory, industry, future, metalworkers, trade union
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Marieke Vandeweyer - Labour Market Economist at OECD - OCDE OCDE - Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Getting Skills Right: Adapting to changing skill needs The world of work is changing. Digitalisation, globalisation and population ageing are having a profound impact on the type and quality of jobs that are available and the skills required to perform them. These changing skill needs have resulted in significant skills imbalances across OECD countries. The extent to which individuals, firms and economies can reap the benefits of these changes will depend critically on the readiness of VET and adult learning systems to help people develop and maintain relevant skills over their working careers. To be effective, these systems need to be inclusive and provide high-quality training that is responsive to labour market needs.
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Maria Antonietta Perino - Nuclear Engineering, Director for Relations with Space Associations Thales Alenia Space
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Space Human Mission Exploration: Enabling Technologies "Space Human Mission Exploration: Enabling Technologies" In more than 50 years of space missions, humankind has discovered and learned a very different environment with respect to the Terrestrial one, and has developed technical solutions that allow to live and work in space for longer stays. The International Space Station has developed into a technical and scientific laboratory where team of astronauts live and work daily. The next challenge, shared by all the major Space Agencies world-wide, is the return of humankind to the Moon and the landing on Mars. The experience matured by Thales Alenia Space in Torino with the development of the International Space Station pressurized modules and with the study and realization of scientific missions in our solar system, allow us to have a first-level industrial responsibility for the elaboration of the exploration scenarios and for the development of the enabling technological solutions. Women in Aerospace Women in Aerospace (WIA) is dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. Our membership – comprised of both women and men – shares an interest in a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, and policy issues surrounding these fields. WIA organizes events in Washington, D.C., at aerospace conferences and meetings around the world, via web and teleconference for both personal and professional development. Our member programming includes signature events with key leaders from the industry, government, and academia. These individuals are gathered to address and discuss relevant issues to the aerospace community. Featured speakers include senior representatives of the administration, Congress, industry, scientists, educators and international aerospace experts. To learn more about our upcoming events, please click on the Events section. Networking is one of the many significant benefits of joining Women in Aerospace. Comprised of individuals from an array of disciplines and technical experiences, WIA members are given a number of opportunities to meet equally driven colleagues at events held throughout the year. Look under our Join menu for more information on memberships.
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Georgios Zisimos - Senior Specialist in EU Education and Training Policies European Training Foundation
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
ETF and its work on Centres of Vocational Excellence CoVEs ‘Excellence’ is a contested term. Vocational excellence usually refers to high quality of training and education but also to relevance to the world of work and to the attractiveness of the educational offer to learners and to employers. Vocational excellence may also imply an enlarged, more comprehensive and inclusive conceptualisation of skills provision – addressing innovation, pedagogy, social justice, life-long learning, transversal skills, organisational and continuing professional learning and community needs. Centres of vocational excellence (CoVE) are often represented as the institutions that embody vocational excellence. However, the purpose, structure and functions of CoVEs vary greatly from one context to another. Differences and similarities are often disguised by the use of specific terminologies and that which is lost in translation. CoVEs are assigned different roles in policy-making and enjoy different levels of political commitment and prioritisation of resources. ETF’s paper, “Centres of Vocational Excellence – an engine for VET Development?” tries to do justice to the contested understanding of vocational excellence, to the diversity of institutions that present themselves as CoVEs and to the varied and dynamic policy-making contexts where CoVES are developing. The research suggests that there are two kinds of driver for the development of CoVEs: firstly, there is the pressure to make skills provision more responsive to the changing needs of industry, which typically favours more specialist skills providers that are deeply and extensively tied to the world of work, and secondly, there is the need to improve the performance of the whole skills provider network, which places emphasis on coordination, cooperation and strategic development of that network. This analysis confirms that different countries are using CoVEs to pursue different strategies and it can help policy-makers to consider some of the choices and trade-offs they must confront.
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Maurizio Caon - Professor and Head of the Digital Business Center, School of Management University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Yasser Hannan - Engineer project manager SDU - University of Southern Denmark, Mechanical Engineering, Department of Technology and Innovation Carlo Alberto Tenchini - Marketing Director Sharp Georgios Kouklakis - Founder & CEO Asset Technology
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Activating teaching and active learning in Drone Composite Lab in University of Southern Denmark - Demands skills/knowledges for Composite Drone Manufacturing. - Applied teaching/training method in Drone Composite lab (in training course 2 weeks) in our university. TRIkala Smart Open Mall Greece has one of the most alluring cultural and touristic products worldwide. Moreover, this product is one of the main pillars of its economy and GDP. During the last years, a continuous growth of the advent of foreign tourists is recorded. Their purpose of visit is entertainment as well as the familiarization with the Greek culture visiting well known monuments. The Need The visitors need advanced and efficient services: tourism attractions, cultural events, shopping points, bus services, parking, bicycle. The city should be "Smart" and at the same time an “Open Mall”. An Ecosystem of interaction and synergy among all interested parties. In Greece, there is no such smart infrastructure that offers comprehensive and personalized touristic, cultural and commercial services. The Solution The solution is provided by TRI-SOME, an integrated information system that provides intelligent infrastructure services for the advanced and efficient provision of cultural and tourist services. Research & Development The system wraps and extends the services of a Smart City (for this project the Smart City of Trikala), to the benefit of the city and the surrounding areas, targeting to the financial enlargement of the local economy via the leverage of its cultural and touristic product.
Fabio Croci - Project Manager
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Manos Andreadis - Director at Asset Tec Asset Technology
Networking meetings room side to 'Sala della volta'
Luca Guardincerri - Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
external main hall
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo' ,Giulia Ucciero - Project assistant Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Kristina Dervojeda Dr. - Leader PwC Innovation Research Centre PwC
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Advanced Curricula for Advanced Manufacturing: Towards future-proof pan-European Curriculum Guidelines How should the current curricula be reshaped, and what new models need to be introduced in order to match the requirements of the new age? In 2017, EASME and DG GROW of the European Commission launched a two-year pan-European initiative on developing “Curriculum Guidelines for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT)”, with an objective to collect and disseminate key principles and good practice examples, and to promote better cooperation between industry and education and training providers. The presentation aims to highlight the key findings of this initiative, and specifically to address the need for a holistic and agile approach towards organising education & training for manufacturing professionals. Special attention will be paid to the topics of future-proof Strategy, Collaboration Mechanisms and Learning Environment.
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Luca Marcolin - Senior consultant EY Advisory Spa
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills - Towards a common vision on addressing SMEs skills needs in the automotive sector: strengthening the development of upskilling and reskilling strategies Overview of the key trends and challenges currently impacting the automotive sector with particular regard to SMEs, what they mean in terms of needs for skills and competences, and possible ways forward towards a common vision for Europe
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Ramhari Lamichhane - Director General of CPSC Colombo Plan Staff College, Manila, Philippine
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
CPSC’s Initiatives for Sustainable & Quality TVET in The Asia Pacific Region Introduction of CPSC Key Initiatives for Quality TVET in The Region Way Forward
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Massimiliano Leoncini - Architect, Project Manager and Innovator Brussels Paola Gallo - Associate Professor in Architectural Technology at the University of Florence Department of Architecture DIDA, University of Florence
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Ur.C.A.A. + Urban (Con)temporary Aeroponic Agriculture Starting by the URCA project we conceived * Ur.C.A.A.+ * a project which aims to contribute integrate aspects of food production, not only as a strategy toward urban requalification as widely recognized environmental approach, but especially as social and economical benefits. In fact, with the implementation of new technologies for food and plant production, with the additional aims of development skills for involved actors in an innovative farm system, with the *Ur.C.A.A.+* project, we intends to contribute to set up a new market for new economy as well as new professional competences especially for disadvantage and elderly people. The *Ur.C.A.A.+ *Project proposes to establish and disseminate an original training on Soilless Urban Agriculture at the European level to develop skills for actors of sustainable agricultural development. Urban-Agriculture, providing new paradigms for management of natural resources, challenges the interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies. ***************************** World food demand is expected to increase by 70% by 2050 (FAO). The dramatic increase in global food demand will be accompanied by a steep increase in the demand for feed, fibre, biomass, and biomaterial. This will inevitably trigger a supply reaction from Union's agriculture which is one of the biggest suppliers to global agricultural markets. Union agriculture provides more than 40% of total food production in the OECD. In 2050, about 70% of the global population will live in cities. As a result, problems concerning sustainability and quality of life are becoming increasingly urgent for these urban areas Increased and sustainable agricultural output will be achievable only with major research and innovation efforts at all levels. Repeatedly, researchers and stakeholders have highlighted the gap between the provision of research results and the application of innovative approaches to farming practice. New approaches take too long to arrive on the ground, and the needs of practical farming are not communicated sufficiently to the scientific community Increased productivity and competitiveness of agriculture calls, first of all, for improved resource efficiency in order to produce with less water, energy, fertilizers (especially phosphorus and nitrogen), and pesticides. Moreover, education and training are essential for developing the skills needed. Strengthening the farmers' position in the supply chain requires innovative approaches that enhance transparency, information, and management capacity and deliver new quality products. Main target of the Ur.C.A.A.+ Project, is to define the potential of urban agriculture as new urban regeneration method. In detail, Ur.C.A.A.+, startind by the original project UrCA (supported by Ministry of Agriculture and Higher Education of Tuscany Region, Italy, under the research grant PRAF of Year 2012-2015 Contract Number DD 6107/201), developed by Interuniversity Center ABITA of University of Florence, mean integrate aspects of food production not only as a strategy toward urban requalification as widely recognized environmental approach, but expecially as social and economical benefits. In fact, with the implementation of new technolgies for food and plant production, wih the additionl aims of develpment skills for involved actors in an innovative farm system, the Ur.C.A.A.+ project intends to open a new market for new economy as well as, new professional competences expecially for disadvantage people into the world. The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project, , wants to achieve metropolitan solutions for urban agriculture with the aim of realizing metropolitan, condominium and personals greenhouses, based on soilless technologies, that – in close relationship with the surrounding rural areas - will produce twice the amount of food with half the amount of input, that can be applied at local and/or regional level to most of the European cities. Ur.C.A.A.+ aims to improve possibilities and potentials of integrating agriculture in architecture, in degradated areas, as brownfield and marginal areas, as well in extreme climate conditions and in disadvantages environments, taking advantage of vertical aeroponic technologies in order to pursue an environmental, architectural and social requalification and re-functionalization of any human settlements. The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies. This includes the search for new cultivation systems and producing varieties that can withstand disease and climate change, which in turn leads to less input of fertilizer or plant protection products. In addition to efficiency, it is important to also develop new configurations for the cultivation of vegetables and legumes, without land. With Ur.C.A.A.+ Project we addressed aspects such as Food production (sustainable growth), Greenhouse idro/aeroponic technology (permanent & temporary installations), Integrated ecological sub-systems (indoor climate & life support systems), Metropolitan solutions (urban agriculture), Food quality (biological control), Innovative fertilization and nutrient (nutrient availability, quality, impacts), High Technology Farming (ICT & robotics). The Ur.C.A.A.+ Project proposes to set up and disseminate an original training on Soilless Urban Agriculture at the European level to develop skills for actors of sustainable agricultural development. Urban-Agriculture, providing new paradigms for management of natural resources, challenges the interfaces between productive activities, ecological systems and societies.
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Alessandra Rinaldi - Professor in Design University of Florence
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager
Filippo Chiarello Phd - Co-Founder and Head of Texty s.r.l. Texty s.r.l. (University of Pisa) Pietro Manfredi - Bachelor's degree in Management Engineering University of Pisa
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
workshop room E 06
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Fabio Croci - Project Manager
workshop room E 06
Francesco Marciano - Logistics Manager Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
restaurant / bar
Monika Auzinger - Consultant/Researcher ECVET Secretariat / 3s
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo' Mariaelena Romanini - MRS CENTOFORM SRL Monika Auzinger - Consultant/Researcher ECVET Secretariat / 3s
workshop room E 06
The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training: principles, application & outlook This workshop will discuss how ECVET principles, and the use of units or groups of learning outcomes in particular, can be used to support qualification and curriculum design, with a view to ensuring flexible and adaptable vocational education and training (VET) systems that are fit for the future. Exact setting and contents to be confirmed with the organisers in line with interests/expectations. ECVET is the European Credit System for VET, a framework for the transfer, recognition and accumulation of acquired and assessed learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification. Today's VET systems need to respond to a number of challenges, including to adapt better and faster to changing labour market needs, to equip learners with the right set of skills for today's labour market and with the groundwork for a successful career, and to make VET more learner-centred, inclusive, and attractive overall. This calls for VET provision that meets the requirements for flexibility from the labour market and individuals themselves. Individuals want to get their learning outcomes recognised, independent of how and where they were achieved. ECVET principles can be used to assist the design of VET qualifications and curricula by offering a way of structuring VET qualifications. Qualifications should be composed of units or groups of learning outcomes that are capable of being assessed and validated separately. A close involvement of labour market stakeholders into the design of VET qualifications and curricula is key. ECVET seeks to contribute to the development of a common language shared by all VET stakeholders, making qualifications more outcome-oriented instead of input-driven. These concepts have been central to reforms of VET systems across Europe. One of the key success factors when transitioning to outcome-based and unit-based approaches in VET is to make sure that these approaches lead to flexible and adaptable pathways not only in theory but in practice.
Irene Psifidou - Dr Cedefop ,Francesco Pisanu - Director Office for the Evaluation of Educational Policies Department of Education and Culture Province of Trento, Italy
Julian Ng - Vice-President (Europe) for IVETA IVETA / Warnborough College Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager Fadia Khraisat - EU DESK Responsible department Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain
workshop room E 09
The VET toolkit for tackling early leaving The VET toolkit for tackling early leaving is a web resource of tools, guidelines, tips, publications, statistics, good practices and quick wins aiming to support policy makers and vocational education and training (VET) practitioners in Europe to give effective responses to counteract early leaving from education and training. *************************************************************** Skillman believes that Cedefop’s VET toolkit for tackling early leaving (available here: and its 200+ resources of best practices, interventions, publications, tools, statistics and quick wins is a valuable source of support to policy makers and VET practitioners in Europe. In particular, Cedefop’s Reflection tools for policy makers and VET providers offer an analytical framework for tackling early leaving in a comprehensive approach. The tools promote reflection and dialogue among policymakers and practitioners on current strategies to tackle early leaving from VET, allowing them to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their country (region or local community) and develop an action plan to counteract this phenomenon. Cedefop’s toolkit aims to develop a European culture of policy evaluation supporting the design of evidenced-based policies. The two evaluation plans for policy makers and learning providers for the monitoring and evaluation of specific measures and practices are helpful instruments to policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders who are not experts in the field of evaluation. The toolkit has an important limitation though and this is the language. As it is only available in English, users with no good command of English language may not benefit from its rich resources. Skillman believes that the translation of the toolkit in all European languages is indispensable for ensuring the wide use of the toolkit and its equal access for all; especially if the toolkit is to support learning providers, regional and local policy makers.
Vincenza D'Ambrogio - Senior Project manager of ITKAM and MeMeVET project coordinator Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V. ,Vera Mazzocato - Mrs Consorzio Zip
Pancho Tomov - assoc. prof. PhD Technical University of Sofia Technical University of Sofia Patrizia Roma - MeMeVet project partner. Funzione Strumentale al POF (member of school management staff at ITTS A. Volta). eTwinning Ambassador. ITTS A. Volta - Perugia Elpidio Romano - Associate Professor, Industial Mechanical Plants Uninettuno University UTIU
workshop room E 10
Innovative Curriculum for professional training in the fields of mechatronics and metallurgy to meet the industrial needs in Europe MeMeVET is a transnational project involving 15 partners from five different European countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Bulgaria), aimed at creating a common curriculum with optional subjects in the fields of mechatronics and metallurgy. The main goal is to encourage the mobility of students and workers in Europe. Currently, there is no single European certification for the recognition of metallurgical and mechatronic skills. MeMeVET, which is one of the European SSA (Sector Skills Alliances) projects, aims to create strong relationships between education and business sectors and match labour market demand with relevant training supply. Based on the analysis of the status quo of the curricula as well as on the assessment of specific skills required by metallurgical and mechatronic companies in the five project countries, the MeMeVET consortium has developed common training modules and teaching materials to be used. These will be presented and discussed at the workshop. The next step will be the creation of an electronic card and a Europe-wide recognition of skills. Mechatronicsand Metallurgical VET for the sector’sIndustriesMeMeVET Design of training modules in the Mechatronics and Metallurgical sectors The Technical Institute ITTS A. Volta in Perugia, one of the partners of the MeMeVet project and Work Package leader for the design of training modules in the Mechatronics and Metallurgical sectors, presents the steps and methodology that led to the production of this important project outcome. The speaker for this institution is Ms Patrizia Roma, teacher of English, member of the school management team and eTwinning ambassador." Best regards
Cristina Martelli - University of Florence
Fabio Croci - Project Manager Filippo Chiarello Phd - Co-Founder and Head of Texty s.r.l. Texty s.r.l. (University of Pisa)
workshop room E 11
Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society) ,Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
Martina Evangelista - Director Associazione Pratika Onlus Marco Bartolucci - Postdoctoral researcher Università di Perugia Maria Chiara De Angelis - Researcher fellow DITES - "Digital Technologies, Education and Society" Research Center, Link Campus University Enrico Elefante - VicePresident of APICE APICE - Agenzia di Promozione Integrata per i Cittadini in Europa Luca Riva - Expert in Labour Market Policies Municipality of Milan Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society) Speranzina Ferraro - National expert
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Vocational excellence Il tasso di completamento degli studi e le uscite precoci dal sistema di istruzione e formazione sono continuamente oggetto di analisi e di investimento da parte di tutti i decisori politici. Oggi, più che mai, assicurare un’istruzione di qualità, equa ed inclusiva, e promuovere opportunità di apprendimento permanente, sono obiettivi prioritari nelle agende politiche dei sistemi di istruzione di tutto il mondo. Nonostante ciò, però, molti giovani ancora non acquisiscono e sviluppano le conoscenze e le abilità richieste dal mercato del lavoro e, soprattutto, non raggiungono la soglia minima delle competenze per potersi orientare negli studi e sul lavoro. Partendo dall’Agenda 2030, il workshop intende fornire strumenti e riflessioni, frutto di ricerche e di sperimentazioni realizzate in diversi settori, affinché al ruolo dell’istruzione e della formazione professionale sia dato uno sviluppo globale, con un impatto catalitico sul benessere degli individui e della società nel suo complesso. L'orientamento narrativo a scuola e nella formazione professionale per prevenire la dispersione e sviluppare l'empowerment L'orientamento narrativo a scuola e nella formazione professionale per prevenire la dispersione e sviluppare l'empowerment. Martina Evangelista (Pratika) Marco Bartolucci (Unipg) Nell’ambito del workshop presenteremo per Associazione Pratika Onlus i risultati e le buone pratiche metodologiche sviluppate all’interno di alcuni progetti pluriennali centrati sulla prevenzione della dispersione scolastica e sull’orientamento e l’empowerment dei Neet. Queste esperienze, realizzate in rete con Istituti Scolastici e agenzie formative dislocate in più province della Regione Toscana, hanno in comune la centralità del metodo narrativo in orientamento. Saranno inoltre presentati, per l’ambito internazionale, gli output intellettuali del progetto Erasmus “DIST Digital Storytelling for Spreading and Promoting Entrepreneurship” all’interno del quale Pratika ha sviluppato il versante digitale del metodo narrativo nella formazione e nell’orientamento. La prima parte dell’intervento mirerà a presentare i progetti pluriennali, il metodo proposto e sperimentato ed i relativi strumenti ed output. La seconda parte mostrerà gli effetti prodotti dai progetti, misurati con strumenti standard.
Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout ,Manos Andreadis - Director at Asset Tec Asset Technology
Networking meetings room side to 'Sala della volta'
Francesco Marciano - Logistics Manager Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
restaurant / bar
Ralph Hippe - Dr.; Scientific Officer European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Dimitrija Angelkov, Prof. Ph.D - Professor Ph.d, Director Association of citizens THE FUTURE IS NOW Stefania Capogna - Director of DITES-LCU DiTES (DIgital Technologies, Education and Society) Torsten Kietz -
workshop room E 09
SELFIE, the European Commission's self-reflection tool helping schools and companies to progress towards digital age learning SELFIE is a new self-reflection tool developed by the European Commission with a large number of international education experts. It was launched in October 2018 and is an action of the Digital Education Action Plan of the European Commission. The tool is available for primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education levels. In particular, SELFIE is available for upper-secondary VET schools. The European Commission is now also considering developing the tool for work-based learning systems (WBL) in VET, i.e. in which the learner spends part of the training time in the VET school and part in a company. The workshop will seek to discuss the specific requirements and characteristics of WBL systems and provide concrete recommendations how to adapt SELFIE to these contexts. SMART BINS SMART TOWNS Smart bins smart towns
Manos Andreadis - Director at Asset Tec Asset Technology
Marcello Menichetti - Secretary General of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Portugal CCIE Portogallo - Lisbona Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo' Georgios Kouklakis - Founder & CEO Asset Technology
workshop room E 10
Mobility & Learning - Study Visits BEFORE • Practical arrangements (participants, logistical and technical arrangements, visit content, preparation) DURING • Implementation and facilitation of the visit AFTER • Feedback, monitoring and evaluation for the visit Mobility & Learning With the rapid developments in advanced manufacturing, individuals and businesses around the world recognize the need for technical and vocation education and training, to improve skills, practices and mentalities. Learning mobility is a powerful learning experience which can support this effort and substantially contribute to the development of employment and entrepreneurship skills. Definition By learning mobility we mean transnational mobility undertaken for a period of time, consciously organised for educational purposes or to acquire new competences or knowledge. It covers a wide variety of projects and activities and can be implemented in formal or non-formal settings. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs • Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running SMEs in Europe. • NEs travel to an experienced entrepreneur in another country and work with him/her for 1 to 6 months. • The objective is to acquire relevant skills for running and developing their own SME taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the internal market.
Ornella Russo - Digital Librarian and Trainer Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Area della Ricerca di Bologna ,Stefania Marzocchi - Research assistant Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Area della Ricerca di Bologna
Viktor Miloshevski - Proposal writer and Project Manager Vincenza D'Ambrogio - Senior Project manager of ITKAM and MeMeVET project coordinator Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V.
workshop room E 11
Information literacy competencies as transversal skills for VET learners, young entrepreneurs and future innovators The European labour market requires T-shape professionals with sectoral competencies, competences related to other sectors and connected to the professional role, and transversal competencies or soft skills. Green economy, innovation economy and Industry 4.0 are caracterized, among other factors, by the need of value chain continuous innovation. Information competence, as critical thinking skill connected to the efficent use of technical and scientific documentation, supports some key processes in companies: to take informed decisions, to know the state of the art of a product or of a technology, to innovate and be creative. As for other competencies, it consists of three dimensions involving knowledge, skills and attitudes, to be acquired or refined through formal or informal learning paths. The workshop will attempt to answer to the question: can the information competence play a role in vocational education and training of future 4.0 workers?
Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann - Project Manager Regionale Zukunftsstrategien und Innovation Steinbeis 2i GmbH ,Jacqueline Kehoe - Software Researcher FIT4FoF Project
Fadia Khraisat - EU DESK Responsible department Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain Paolo Sospiro - Director of EUAbout - Brussels EUAbout
workshop room E 06
Two kinds of driver for the development of CoVEs Europe faces a considerable challenge in addressing the future skills needs for the emerging opportunities in manufacturing. The skills required in the sector are changing greatly. The prevalence of digital technologies is leading to more automation, increasingly making manual and routine tasks redundant. At a human level, this characterises new technologies as a potential threat to the workforce, which is given weight by existing gaps in digital skills. The skills of the existing workforce are not always compatible with emerging technologies, 90% of future jobs will require digital skills and 44% of Europe’s citizen lack basic digital skills. This skills gap is widening in the face of implementation of new automation solutions towards the Factory of the Future (FoF) and many companies, particularly SMEs, are struggling to hire workers with the right skillsets or internally upskill people Fit4FoF - Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future One of the central goals of the FIT4FoF-project ( is to enable the existing manufacturing workforce, both women and men, to become active co-designers of key lifelong education solutions and innovators in their workplace. This workshop will explore approaches and challenges to opening up co-design opportunities for the employee that can work practically within their workplace. The context will be assessing the viability, or otherwise, of design workshops that bring the employees, employers and educators together to define educational needs and outline new training solutions around a defined upcoming business event, such as the introduction of a new process automation to the manufacturing environment. The workshop will look at four main areas: • How the employees who agree to participate in the workshop should be supported prior to the design workshops; • How the design workshops should be structured to enable effective dialogue around the upcoming business event and the resulting change management and learning needs; • How the outcomes of the design workshops can be properly represented and what following activities would be needed so that training and educational programmes can be composed and implemented; • What are the ethical challenges that may emerge through using the design workshop approach; The goal of this workshop will be to explore these questions in order to describe a range of viable approaches to co-design using known approaches, as well as capturing new ideas that foster engagement and learning.
Georgios Zisimos - Senior Specialist in EU Education and Training Policies European Training Foundation
Giovanni Crisonà - Leader Fabio Croci - Project Manager Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome Manuela Prina - Policy advisor @ETF ETF - European Training Foundation Md. Enamul Haque - Research Fellow - SIYB Trainer Institution of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
The purpose, structure and functions of CoVEs vary greatly from one context to another.  Emerging Issues and Challenges  Global employment and skills mismatches  Trends of the Workforce Employment Pattern  About Asia And The Pacific  Global Knowledge Economy Ranking  Strategic Workforce Planning for Asia Pacific  Build Skills Asia Pacific : the way forward  Conclusion ETF and its work on Centres of Vocational Excellence CoVEs ‘Excellence’ is a contested term. Vocational excellence usually refers to high quality of training and education but also to relevance to the world of work and to the attractiveness of the educational offer to learners and to employers. Vocational excellence may also imply an enlarged, more comprehensive and inclusive conceptualisation of skills provision – addressing innovation, pedagogy, social justice, life-long learning, transversal skills, organisational and continuing professional learning and community needs. Centres of vocational excellence (CoVE) are often represented as the institutions that embody vocational excellence. However, the purpose, structure and functions of CoVEs vary greatly from one context to another. Differences and similarities are often disguised by the use of specific terminologies and that which is lost in translation. CoVEs are assigned different roles in policy-making and enjoy different levels of political commitment and prioritisation of resources. ETF’s paper, “Centres of Vocational Excellence – an engine for VET Development?” tries to do justice to the contested understanding of vocational excellence, to the diversity of institutions that present themselves as CoVEs and to the varied and dynamic policy-making contexts where CoVES are developing. The research suggests that there are two kinds of driver for the development of CoVEs: firstly, there is the pressure to make skills provision more responsive to the changing needs of industry, which typically favours more specialist skills providers that are deeply and extensively tied to the world of work, and secondly, there is the need to improve the performance of the whole skills provider network, which places emphasis on coordination, cooperation and strategic development of that network. This analysis confirms that different countries are using CoVEs to pursue different strategies and it can help policy-makers to consider some of the choices and trade-offs they must confront.
Francesco Marciano - Logistics Manager Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
restaurant / bar
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Monika Auzinger - Consultant/Researcher ECVET Secretariat / 3s
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training: principles, application & outlook This workshop will discuss how ECVET principles, and the use of units or groups of learning outcomes in particular, can be used to support qualification and curriculum design, with a view to ensuring flexible and adaptable vocational education and training (VET) systems that are fit for the future. Exact setting and contents to be confirmed with the organisers in line with interests/expectations. ECVET is the European Credit System for VET, a framework for the transfer, recognition and accumulation of acquired and assessed learning outcomes with a view to achieving a qualification. Today's VET systems need to respond to a number of challenges, including to adapt better and faster to changing labour market needs, to equip learners with the right set of skills for today's labour market and with the groundwork for a successful career, and to make VET more learner-centred, inclusive, and attractive overall. This calls for VET provision that meets the requirements for flexibility from the labour market and individuals themselves. Individuals want to get their learning outcomes recognised, independent of how and where they were achieved. ECVET principles can be used to assist the design of VET qualifications and curricula by offering a way of structuring VET qualifications. Qualifications should be composed of units or groups of learning outcomes that are capable of being assessed and validated separately. A close involvement of labour market stakeholders into the design of VET qualifications and curricula is key. ECVET seeks to contribute to the development of a common language shared by all VET stakeholders, making qualifications more outcome-oriented instead of input-driven. These concepts have been central to reforms of VET systems across Europe. One of the key success factors when transitioning to outcome-based and unit-based approaches in VET is to make sure that these approaches lead to flexible and adaptable pathways not only in theory but in practice.
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Fadia Khraisat - EU DESK Responsible department Italian Chamber of Commerce in Spain
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Vincenza D'Ambrogio - Senior Project manager of ITKAM and MeMeVET project coordinator Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V.
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Cristina Martelli - University of Florence
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Concetta Fonzo - Researcher Rome
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Ralph Hippe - Dr.; Scientific Officer European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Manos Andreadis - Director at Asset Tec Asset Technology
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Stefania Marzocchi - Research assistant Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Area della Ricerca di Bologna
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Sabine Hafner-Zimmermann - Project Manager Regionale Zukunftsstrategien und Innovation Steinbeis 2i GmbH
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Greta Bilanzola - Project Officer Centro Studi 'Cultura Sviluppo'
Georgios Zisimos - Senior Specialist in EU Education and Training Policies European Training Foundation
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Rupert Maclean - UNESCO Chair on TVET and Sustainable Development, Consultant of Belt & Road Alliance for International Applied Education and Training China Asia
A K M A Hamid - President Institution of Diploma Engineers Bangladesh Tariqul Kabir - Director Development Project Design and Services Limited Mahir H. Majeed - The dean of the Technical Institute of Karbala The Technical Institute of Karbala
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Importance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Importance of Research about TVET: Key Trends with particular reference to Asia This presentation examines each of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which seek to transform our world. It argues that while each of these goals are important ‘keys’ to economic and social development, Goal 8 (Decent work and economic growth), which refers to skills development for employability and TVET, is in fact the MASTER KEY to development, without which none of the other goals will be achieved. The presentation focuses on the situation in Asian countries, and gives examples of how high quality, reliable and relevant evidence-based research about TVET in various countries in Asia is contributing to the successful ‘re-engineering of TVET for change’. ************************************************************************ An Impact on Piloting Household Silos under WB Funded Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP) in Bangladesh FACT SHEET - INNOVATION OF HOUSEHOLD SILOS Bangladesh is a Cyclone and Flood prone country, it’s a big challenge for us, almost every year we have to face Cyclone or flood. On 15 November 2007 Cyclone Sidr caused extensive damage to livelihood and infrastructure in Coastal areas of Bangladesh, the Donors and Government assessment team assessed and estimated damage worth US$ 1.7 billion. Based on this assessment World Bank and Government of Bangladesh designed an umbrella Project in 2008 called Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP). The project has six components: Component A: Recovery of Agriculture Sector and Improvement; Component B: Construction and Improvement of Multipurpose Shelters and Other Infrastructure; Component C: Rehabilitation of Coastal Embankments; Component D: Short and long-term Disaster Risk Management; Component E: Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Impact and Component F: Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU) Development Project Design and Services Limited (DPDS) a consulting company assigned for Monitoring and Evaluation of Project Impact, DPDS conducted project impact in every year and we found that during Cyclone or Flood people run to the Cyclone shelter or other places and all their belongings leave in their home, after Cyclone or flood when they back to home nothing left there and wait for the rescue people for food and clothing. They also mentioned that immediate after flood/Cyclone they need food and seeds for cultivation, so they need some arrangements for it. In the middle of the implementation, project decided for a new innovation by piloting on Household Silo distribution among 26000 nos. flood effected people. After one year of distribution DPDS again conducted an yearly impact evaluation and found that 100% responded informed that it is very useful all of them storage seeds and foods in their household silos, others neighboring farmers also showed their interest to have one of this household silos. In 2014 World Bank and Government designed another project called Modern Food Storage Facilities Project (MFSP) and included distribution of household silos among 500000 beneficiaries. Again DPDS involved there as a service provider for selection and distribution of 500000 household silos among 500000 beneficiaries. DPDS started their activities in from July 2016 and till today distributed 465000 household silos among the beneficiaries. Challenge & Opportunity to build Skill Asia in the era of 4IR Skill Development Process in Iraq IRAQ The country which suffered from exterior and interior wars for about 100 years, the last one was with ISIS, who attacked any thing related to development. Now, he reforms himself, by his people, who like the life, and by the support of all helpful countries and organizations Iraq now believes that there is no extend to his ancient civilization without building a skilled people, who can rebuild him
Fabio Croci - Project Manager
Giovanni Crisonà - Leader
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Giovanni Crisonà - Leader
Rupert Maclean - UNESCO Chair on TVET and Sustainable Development, Consultant of Belt & Road Alliance for International Applied Education and Training China Asia
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
Giovanni Crisonà - Leader
plenary room: 'Sala della volta'
55 records


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