Meeting minutes and other Work Stream-related documents can be extensive and hard to go through as a newcomer or even someone who hasn't attended the meetings in a while.
Description of Best Practice
Add a preamble at the beginning of documents so visitors can understand what the document is about at a glance. Including links to relevant resources can also be helpful.
Relevant Resources/ Examples
DURI Minutes Document:
EDI Advisory Group Minutes:
Develop a schedule of designated periodic workstream meetings as "Engagement Meetings" which step back, engage new members, remind the group why projects are being done, how they will help the area of work and how groups can get involved. Invite input.
Relevant Resources/ Examples
The Genomic Knowledge Standards (GKS) Work Stream developed an open house series which aims to engage with the community, share updates, and encourage new participation. These Open House meetings, held roughly every three months, provide high-level overviews of product development, offering a great entry point for those interested in contributing to the GKS WS. Each session features a balance of an intro into GKS products, with a special focus on practical implementation stories.To accommodate a