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HV Founder Community Form

Harvard Ventures' Founder Community is the #1 community for student founders on campus. You'll join a group of ambitious entrepreneurs, in stages from ideation to seed, who want to meet other founders and take advantage of HV's many resources. This form will take 5 minutes to complete. Here's what you get as a part of the HV Founder Community: ▪️Invites to workshops and practice pitches with VCs and successful entrepreneurs ▪️Access to capital opportunities, like Pear Competition, for $100k or more in funding ▪️Community-only social events each semester ▪️Ability to connect with the VCs and alumni in our network (just ask!) ▪️Opportunities to meet co-founders and recruit team members ▪️Automatic membership in HV, so you can attend all our socials and speaker panels Join us, no matter your stage! In order to join, all you have to do is demonstrate reasonable commitment to your venture, and any amount of progress (could be a website, a wireframe, or even just a well-thought-out idea).

If you don't have one yet, that's perfectly fine - just leave it blank or link a demo or deck.
List all team members, roles, and LinkedIns — include yourself too.
EX: my name, CEO, ; Elon Musk, CTO,

Harvard Affiliation
Where do your team members study at Harvard?
Max 280 characters
Select the stage(s) that best describe you:
  • Napkin / idea stage
  • Prototype built
  • Product built
  • We have users
  • We have customers
  • We have investors / have raised money
What problem are you solving, and how are you solving it?
150 words max, but can be far less. Don't worry about writing style!

Lastly, what do you hope to accomplish over the next semester, and how can HV help?
Keep it simple, lists are fine.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form