
Lorem ipsum

Non-Tandon Students/Alumni

Prehealth is not a major, but it is a pathway. As such, students from any field of study may choose to be prehealth. All non-Tandon students interested in learning more about Tandon opportunities and information should add their information to this form as it will serve as our listserve.

Please put in today's date here
Student Status
Year(s) in which you plan to/ have applied to a health professional school
If you have already applied more than once, please select more than one. You can add an additional year at any time.
Legal Sex
Gender Identity
Are you a first generation college student?
A first-gen student is a nickname for a first-generation college student–someone who grew up in a home where both parents did not attend a four year college, where one parent has an AA only, or where one or both parents attempted some college but did not finish it.
Select any and all that apply
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian or Pacific Islander
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic
  • White
  • Two or more races
  • Not listed
NYU students only
NYU students only
NYU students only
for listserve emails
Are you a part of any formal academic support programs?
  • No/Not Applicable
  • Opportunity Programs (OP/CSTEP)
  • Spring into Tandon (SiT)
  • TRIO
  • Not Listed
If NYU, add in the specific NYU School
Undergraduate Graduation Semester
Semester you graduated from undergraduate program or expected year of graduation.
Undergraduate Graduation Year
Year you graduated from undergraduate program or expected year of graduation.
if applicable
Graduate Graduation Semester
Semester you graduated from graduate program or expected semester of graduation.
Graduate Graduation Year
Year you graduated from graduate program or expected year of graduation.
Prehealth Fields of Interest
If you chose not listed above, please add in additional fields here.
How did you hear about Tandon Prehealth?
Add in any additional information or comments here.
  • {name}
This password will be used to log into your Tandon Prehealth Portal and other Tandon Prehealth forms in the future.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form