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Your impact baseline

This form collects some baseline data that we need to show your impact in the strategic Impact Matrix. It's static and not meant to change as time goes on, but if you want to change anything you enter here, please reach out! After filling out this form, please remember to fill out your first impact update to complete the process: These updates collect historical data for the Impact Matrix, the latest one you enter will be the one that will be shown by default on the site.

The name of your initiative, e.g. "LEAP Advanced".
Row / Owner
Who fosters this initiative? If both oikos International and the community are involved, select "Collaborations".
Tick the boxes to choose the matrix columns: Learning
There are 4 options you can choose from: Learning, leading, living & organizing. You can tick multiple boxes at the same time. Tick this box if your initiative mainly addresses topics around learning & education. This is the first column in the Impact Matrix.
Tick this box if your initiative mainly addresses topics around leadership. This is the second column in the Impact Matrix.
Tick this box if your initiative mainly addresses topics of community. This is the third column in the Impact Matrix.
Tick this box if your initiative mainly addresses topics of organizing & internal development. This is the fourth column in the Impact Matrix.
Initiative Context / Short Explanation
2-3 sentence summary on your impact.
  • {name}
Short reflection on purpose & why we are having this initiative. How does it contribute to mission/vision/purpose of oikos?

Wider Objectives
What's the general goal? What do we want to achieve with this initiative?

History/Origin of Idea
The history/origin of the idea for your initiative.

Where is your initiative facilitated?
What best describes the format of your impact. "LEAP Advanced" => "Journey" "oikos Conference" => "Event" "Sustainable Finance Toolkit" => Workflow
  • Event
  • Journey
  • Workflow
Main Audience
Please indicate the main audience of your impact.

Who is partnering? Who is affected?

Project Lead (Team)
Please add the people responsible for this project here. If they are missing, please reach out to with their name, an one-line introduction and a picture that we are allowed to use.
Read More Links
Links to more information about your impact, if you have one.

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