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Great Big Crunch 2022 Survey

Thank you for being part of our 2023 Great Big Crunch (GBC), this event would not have been as special and fun without your participation! We would love to hear some feedback from you to help us improve future events. This survey should take less than 3 mins to complete. We appreciate your time in filling out this survey!

How did you participated in the Great Big Crunch this year? (Select all that apply)
  • I used the activity toolkit
  • I used the communication toolkit
  • I shared the word of GBC on my social media
  • I hosted a GBC with my class/organization
  • I invited a politician to participated in the GBC
  • I participated in the virtual GBC event on March 10th
How did you hear about the Great Big Crunch campaign? (Select all that apply)
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Tiktok
  • LinkedIn
  • Email
  • Word of mouth
  • Coalition of Healthy School Food website
  • Other
What was your highlight of the Great Big Crunch event?
  • {name}
I authorize the Coalition of Healthy School Food to share this highlight on the Coalition's website and social media.
We would love to share your happy memories in photo/video form on our social media if you could attach them as files.
Attach file
Drop files here
How do you think your involvement with the GBC could have been improved? (For example, are there any activities/recipes you would like to see included in the toolkit next year?)
  • {name}
If we missed any of your concerns in the survey questions, please let us know! :)
  • {name}

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