2022 Workplace Summit Scholarship Application
This application must be submitted by Friday, September 16th, 2022.
Do you identify as transgender? *
These answers are important in allowing us to meet our goals for inclusion.
Race/Ethnicity *
Sexual Orientation *
Select an option
What are the major goals of the applicant organization? *
- {name}
Who does the organization serve and approximately how many people were served in the past year? *
- {name}
Has anyone attended the Out & Equal Workplace Summit in the last 2 years? If so, who and when? *
- {name}
Has any scholarship been awarded in the past 2 years? If so, please give details. *
- {name}
Has this organization received or applied for other financial assistance to attend the Summit? *
- {name}
Are you interested in attending Summit as an in-person attendee or e-Pass attendee? *
Is there anything else we should know when considering this application?
- {name}
What role do you hold in the organization? *
- {name}
Why do you want to attend the 2022 Workplace Summit? What do you hope to gain? What do you plan to contribute? *
- {name}
Are there any other relevant comments you wish to share?
- {name}
I confirm that I have answered the questions on this form to the best of my knowledge and belief *
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