[Picklist of all MN counties]
To link client household data to the relevant Minnesota county. Necessary to improve counts of persons who are served within a CoC that operates across multiple counties
Select the county where the head of household is staying at the time of project entry. A new County where resides record must be created at any time during a project stay if a client moves into a different county while enrolled.
Not currently homeless can be used for homelessness prevention projects.
[Picklist of 50 States, Washing, D.C., and Other Country - Outside US]
A permanent address is an apartment, house, or room where the client last lived for 90 days or more. Shelters and time-limited housing are not permanent addresses.
[Picklist of all MN Counties]
A permanent address is an apartment, house, or room where the client last lived for 90 days or more. Shelters and time-limited housing are not permanent addresses.
[Lookup field of all Minnesota Cities]
A permanent address is an apartment, house, or room where the client last lived for 90 days or more. Shelters and time-limited housing are not permanent addresses.
To connect and refer tribal members to available services and to assist Tribal Nations with obtaining accurate homeless data.
If the client self-identifies as “American Indian, Alaska Native, or Indigenous” as one of the Race and Ethnicity categories, then a response to “If Native American, of which tribe are you an enrolled member?” is required. If none of the client’s self-identified racial categories are “American Indian, Alaska Native, or Indigenous,” the question can be left unanswered.
A veteran is someone who has served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. This does not include inactive military reserves or the National Guard unless the person was called up to active duty. The questions below attempt to enumerate these distinctions, and this is why it is asked in addition to Veteran Status (3.07).
This should be updated for clients who turn 18 while participating in the program on the Entry Assessment into the project. Has client ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces (e.g. served in full-time capacity in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) OR served in the National Guard or as a reservist?
A veteran is someone who has served on active duty in the armed forces of the United States. This does not include inactive military reserves or the National Guard unless the person was called up to active duty. The questions below attempt to enumerate these distinctions, and this is why it is asked in addition to Veteran Status (3.07).
This should be updated for clients who turn 18 while participating in the program on the Entry Assessment into the project. Has client ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces (e.g. served in full-time capacity in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) OR served in the National Guard or as a reservist?
Starting July 1, 2019, MN opted to consider this HUD Common Program Specific Data Element as a Minnesota Universal Data Element. While MN can't make edits to this question, it can change the collection requirement(s). For details about this data element, please see the 4.11 Domestic Violence section on HUD's HMIS Data Standards Tool.
Rationale (from HUD Data Standards): To indicate whether heads of household and other adults served are survivors of domestic violence. Ascertaining whether a person is a survivor of or fleeing from domestic violence is necessary to provide the person with the appropriate services to prevent further abuse and to treat the physical and psychological injuries from prior abuse. Also, ascertaining that a person may be experiencing domestic violence may be important for the safety of project staff an
This item is used for the Data Element Feedback Form.
Read this article for questions and answers that are included in the COVID-19 Survey.
ICA developed a series of questions in consultation with a range of sources, including local agencies and the Minnesota Department of Health. This is an optional Survey within a client’s record in ServicePoint (HMIS). The Survey allows you to input the following information into HMIS related to COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Survey is an optional tool to support local pandemic response efforts. If using the tool, complete for all household members. Unless updating a previous survey to add test results or end dates of symptoms/isolation, complete a new survey.
To capture the breadth of homelessness by understanding how long a person
Intake staff should ask clients about their history of stable housing. Where ‘stable housing’ refers to owning a home or being on a lease. Stable housing does not include doubled up/couch hopping1 , transitional housing, or a stay in an institution. A definition of ‘stable housing’ does not include time-limited housing like transitional housing (TH), because TH is not considered “permanent stable housing.” The response should reflect the time since the person left the last stable housing they we
See a visual of all data collected in this sub-assessment here: MN Housing LTH User Guide page 6
To track a client’s residence while enrolled in a specific project.
See a visual of all data collected in this sub-assessment here: MN Housing LTH User Guide page 10
To track changes to the amount a client pays for rent.
See a visual of all data collected in this sub-assessment here: MN Housing LTH User Guide page 11
To track a client’s housing subsidy while enrolled in a specific project
The SSOM can be a useful engagement tool to work with participants to identify needs and goals. Additionally, the reports generated from this data provide a record of individual participant needs, progress, and outcomes.
All domains are required to have a 1-5 response unless the client is not parenting or does not have school-aged children. If client is not parenting or does not have school-aged children, answer N/A for Child Care and/or Children’s Education domains. For detailed information on assessing domains, contact DHS directly. Ask the client how they would rank themselves, while showing/reading them each option in each of the categories based on the short form, found here: http://hmismn.org/s/MN-Self-Suf
To specify that a person does not have to be certified as disabled by a federal or state government agency to have a disabling condition. Instead, this can be a condition, illness or injury that limits a person’s self sufficiency.
Collect information from the client to determine the answer to this question.
[Number Field]
MAXIS is a computer system used by state and county workers to determine eligibility for public assistance and health care. For cash assistance and food support programs, MAXIS also determines the appropriate benefit level and issues benefits. Recording the MAXIS ID in HMIS allows staff to easily look up client information across systems that they have access to.
Collect MAXIS ID information.
[Date Field]
This tracks number of days from application submission date to Housing Move-in Date.
[Lookup of all MN Cities]
To determine the percent of income spent on rent upon exiting the project into stable living.
Service Transactions are required to track number of financial services provided through FHPAP funding.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Outcomes can be updated throughout the individual’s participation in the program. A response of “yes” or “no” is required for every single outcome area listed in the Outcomes Measured section. “Yes” indicates the client accomplished the outcome. “No” means they are either not focused on that outcome or are making progress, but the outcome has not yet been achieved. See Adding Outcomes section for detailed instructions on entering Outcomes in HMIS.
Clients who are exited on or after 7/1/2018 should have this question answered on the Exit Assessment. Record whether the household was asked to leave and if so, provide the reason.
Clients who are exited on or after 7/1/2018 should have this question answered on the Exit Assessment. Record whether the household was asked to leave and if so, provide the reason.