Incidents associated with the occupation. Listing, plus input form to add your experience
Form to report an incident
Directory of links to local initiatives created in response to the convoy occupation, as well as to some pre-existing supports.
Vetting volunteers, recording experiences of harassment/violence, and sharing resources available to community members.
A central communications platform for Ottawa residents organizing in response to the occupation. *Not limited to Centretown, despite the name.
Recording of Twitter Space discussion hosted by HorizonOttawa, including how residents are organizing to build up alternatives to policing.
1pm Saturday, Minto Park (Lewis & Elgin Streets). Join us to
Tweet with 'posters' for Feb. 26th event, plus for Mar. 5th March & Rally, also organized by Community Solidarity Ottawa
7pm Wednesday. Entitled "Less hate, more humanity: lessons from the Ottawa Convoy". See links for speakers and more info. Register by Zoom, or watch on Youtube live or after.
Youtube channel for video version; also, Feb 18 email introducing event.
UPDATE: Was announced for Saturday Feb. 19, but now is postponed or potentially cancelled.
Facebook event page; plus, event description text on reddit.
City councillor Catherine McKenney's compiled list of resources
Direct link (primary link is to the tweet introducing the list)
Video from early Thursday afternoon, 'on an Ottawa downtown street corner'
Three descriptions of the local residents' blockade of a small convoy on Riverside Dr, Feb 13, and the organizing involved. (see secondary links too). From Sean Burges, James Hutt, and (coming soon) CKCU's A Luta Continua
Article published at The Breach; and, 20min+ audio from CKCU's Feb. 18th A Luta Continua (segmestarts after BBC News).
A report from an anonymous Ottawa resident, about the Sunday counterprotest blockade of the so-called "Blue Collard Convoy" on Riverside Dr, a few km from Parliament.
OttawaCitizen: "How the 'Battle of Billings Bridge' attracted hundreds of volunteers, trapped convoy for hours"
A blockade that swelled to over 1000 residents started when a dog-walking group from the neighbourhood organized the counter-protest on social media and stopped a small convoy of flag-bearing vehicles just after 9 a.m. They allowed the convoy vehicles to leave in the late afternoon one by one.
Thread with photos and videos from a number of the people at the blockade
Covers the counterprotests by local residents the weekend of 12-13, including the Saturday rally and march from Lansdowne and the Sunday blockades. Hunger strike by Nazim Khan also featured. Plus more
11:00am - 1:00pm Saturday at 'Share The Flame' monument (~Lansdowne Park), see link for details. Followed by the Community Solidarity Ottawa March at 1:00pm
Facebook event link
Start 1:00pm Saturday at Lansdowne Park behind Aberdeen Pavillion. Bring signs, union flags & banners! The march is approx 3km. See link for demands, safety protocols, and other infos - plus French.
Community Solidarity Ottawa website link; Attachments = screenshots of event description.
Click for Photos: @HorizonOttawa, @ArielTroster, @NicolasBaird, @mediamorphis, @ShawnMenard1; & Videos: @BruceVConway, @NataliaGoodwin, @akellerherzog, @thirzaboy,@ProOttawaRally.
more info to come?
Photo from Feb. 12 counter-protest, Community Solidarity Ottawa rally and march
"our second, short community briefing to update folks on what is being done in our community to outlast the convoy, through taking care of each other and community organizing. We will not be taking any questions during the briefing but will aim to answer a few questions. If you have questions, please email them in advance of the meeting to"
Will be broadcast on Youtube channel
Crowd didn’t like it. Shouting at him and CTV Ottawa reporter. Also see 2nd link.
Short interview after being extracted from situation
Friends of the Ottawa Convoy Class Action Fight - Fundraiser
Twitter thread from one of the lawyers providing explanation
Emilie Taman: "URGENT: our law firm is NOT distributing a form to join the class action. We believe this is being done by those associated with the protest to collect personal information. Dirty tricks. Please RT. (We will be providing more information to residents soon.) #ottnews"
Zexi Li is the downtown resident behind the court order handed down Monday.
CTV video story
Archived video: Multiple residents giving updates on local initiatives and impacts and the situation overall.
Tweet: "The best sign I saw posted today. Whoever you are, you're a hero."
'Do not go,' warns Ottawa professor who studies collective violence
Report back and clarification from the organizer after Saturday February 5 counter protest
Other posts about the counter protest
The behind-the-scenes process that almost cancelled the Feb. 5 counter-protest at city hall, with some ideas about opposing the occupation. - from Socialist FightBack.
Essay from the man who stood alone amongst the convoy protesters with a sign "We will not be held hostage in our own city"
Video of bodycam footage (also linked at bottom of essay)
Newsletter from Organizing For Justice with list of local Ongoing Initiatives + Resources, and more...
Subscribe to O4J email list for future updates
Four tweet links of photos, and two of videos:
Women feeling terrorized and powerless, decide to block truck driving down their street by standing in front of it
[Check links to see if this is ongoing] *:Weekdays (weekends may be different). **:Or maybe 5:30ish start, depending when people get there.
Tired of watching a dangerous, illegal, and authoritarian occupation of our downtown core? Then come out to the Elgin police station at 5pm today and everyday until the occupation has come to an end. Citizens have been assembling there since last Tuesday to demand police action to liberate our city. This action has been safe and predicated on non-confrontation with the occupiers, where we do not engage with them. The action usually lasts until 8pm. Signs are encouraged, wear a mask, be sure to dress for the weather and have a safe way to get home. Hope to see you there and bring a friend!
Facebook group link