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EnCourage2 [Application Form]

You are applying for the "EnCourage2" Youth Exchange that will take place in Grünheide-Kagel, near Berlin in Germany. Read carefully all the questions and take your time to answer them in detail. The project is open for participants from Germany, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. End of application is 1st August 2021. If you apply after this date, you will be on the waiting list and contacted in case there are open spots available. Here are the dates: Activity: Youth Exchange Arrival day: 16th September 2021 (14th September for group leaders) Departure day: 27th September 2021 Before applying, we kindly ask you to read our info website ( and in case you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us at With your application, you commit yourself to take part in the 3 phases of the exchange: preparation, youth exchange and post-exchange part. Do not buy tickets before an official confirmation from us. Details on booking the tickets will come with a confirmation email on the 3rd of August 2021. This sign-up form consists of three parts: 1. Personal details 2. Experience, Motivation and Desired Outcomes 3. Commitment and Declaration Filling in the form will take you approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your answers.

Take in consideration that this will be the name by which you will be addressed during the project and that will appear on your name tag.
We ask this in order to achieve gender balance required by Erasmus+ programme.
Are you applying as a Group Leader or as a Participant?
As a group leader you will be supporting your national group throughout all project phases (preparation, during the Exchange, follow-up and dissemination) and you will have an extra role during the Youth Exchange, supporting with the practicalities and the flow of the program and also deliver a workshop during the exchange. As a group leader, you are expected to take part in an online preparation before the YE consisting of video calls and written communication to discuss your workshop and also your involvement in the preparation. As a participant, you take part in the Youth Exchange, the dissemination and follow-up activities. If you have further questions, feel free to drop us an email at
Country of residence
Only participants living or with a legal residency in these countries are eligible for this project. The Serbian group is already full.
Full address
Address where you are officially registered. Street, postcode, city, country
  • {name}
Including the international code
We will use this link in case you are selected to add you to the private Facebook group of the EnCourage project.
Overall level of English
A1 = Basic level of English C2 = Advanced level of English You can use this table to help identify your level
Do you need a Visa to enter Germany?
My current physical health condition is...
Please describe your current physical health so that we can adapt the program accordingly. This is a project that is based on physical activities and movement, therefore we need to know if you have any health problems that could affect your participation in this project. We wish to create an experience where everyone can be involved, and this information will help us to adjust the program to your needs.
  • {name}
My mental health condition is...
Please describe your current mental health so that we can assess if this program is suitable for you. This is an intense project, therefore we need to know if you have any mental health problems that could affect your participation in this project. For example, if you are currently in therapeutical or psychiatric treatment and for what reasons.
  • {name}
Do you have a medical insurance valid in Germany?
e.g. European Health Insurance EHIC
I am ...
This question relates to your current COVID-19 situation. This it not a selection criteria, but will help us to prepare and organize the exchange to make sure everyone is safe. Living
Do you agree to a vegetarian diet during the project?
During this project, the meals provided will be (delicious) vegetarian. If spending this time without eating meat or fish is a problem for you, please let us know.
Do you have any medical food allergies or intolerances?
Please let us know if you have any severe food allergies or intolerances. Also let us know how you react to these allergies and how we should react in case you have an allergic reaction (do you use any medication that we need to know for example).
  • {name}
E.g. Vegan. Please be aware that we can not take into consideration personal preferences of taste for particular ingredients. If you have a medical condition, please indicate this above.
Contact person in case of emergency
Full name, address, e-mail, phone number incl country code, relationship with you. By sharing this information, you declare that this person has been informed about being your contact person.
  • {name}
What fewer opportunities are you facing? Mark the boxes that apply to you
Following this link: you'll find a specific description of the types of fewer opportunities that the European Commission considers. Read it carefully, as the spots are reserved for participants with fewer opportunities.
  • None
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Disability
  • Health problems
Motivation and Desired Outcome
Answer as honest as you want and can be. Be short and at the same time provide us with all the information you find relevant for us to know. How are you today? Our meetings usually start by sharing with the group the state or mood we are in. We believe putting this out loud makes a difference, so we ask you to do it here.
  • {name}
Why do you want to participate in EnCourage? What is it that calls you?
Yes, this is an essential question.
  • {name}
What means travelling for you?
  • {name}
Have you been travelling before? If not, what has kept you so far from travelling?
Where? Why? What were your travel experiences? What have you learned? If not, why?
  • {name}
Do you have any previous experience with Erasmus+ projects? If yes, in what kind of projects have you participated?
  • {name}
Imagine you got what you came for. What would change in your life? What would you do different? What actions would you take after the Youth Exchange?
  • {name}
Write down a question that you are having for yourself at the moment.
It can be about the content of the project, a direction that you'd like to explore, or more metaphysical, or related to practicalities of the Exchange. There is no incorrect answer. So, what question are you having for yourself at the moment?
  • {name}
Which of your talents/knowledge regarding the main topics of the project could you share with the other participants?
  • {name}
How did you hear about EnCourage (in case of Facebook, please specify the FB group, page, etc.)?
  • {name}
Commitment and Consent
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that the following conditions will apply if you are selected to take part in EnCourage: 1. I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including: • to prepare myself carefully for the Youth Exchange • to take part in the full duration of the Youth Exchange and the follow up, dissemination and evaluation process 2. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health. Arranging a health insurance for myself for the duration of the exchange is my own responsibility. 3. I acknowledge that this Youth Exchange is a learning process and not a holiday, therefore I am committed to work on my development and manage my own learning, supported by the facilitators and peers. 4. I commit myself to participate fully in the program, and I am aware of its intensity, the working times and that free time will be limited: Morning sessions: 10:00-13:00 Afternoon sessions: 15:00-19:00 Evening sessions: 20:00-22:00 5. I agree with the conditions of travel expenses and reimbursement, as described on the info website 6. I agree that my personal data, that I provided in this application form for this project, are used for the purposes of this project and shared with representatives of all the partner organisations involved in the project. Personal data are also provided to the German National Agency. Personal data will be used in accordance to GDPR (General Protection Data Regulation). I do understand, commit and consent to the above stated points.
I do understand, that I only get reimbursement if I take fully part in the whole project, including carrying out a follow-up activity and sending my original travel documents.
Data Processing Agreement
I give my consent to Ideen³ and its partners recording, storing and processing personal information about me for the purpose of organizational matters regarding the Youth Exchange, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further, I agree to receive emails connected to my registration (preparation, further communication and follow-up). As the project is funded by Erasmus+ I agree that the European Commission and partner organisations of this project have access to my personal data

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