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Court-Related Referral Form

Restorative Justice Conferencing is a voluntary process offered as an alternative to the traditional justice system that allows for community derived solutions and opportunities to repair harm. Prior to filling out this form, please notify all parties that they have been referred for this process. After receiving this referral, parties will be contacted within three business days. You, as the referrer, will be updated throughout the process. If you need any assistance filling out this form, please contact us at 716-810-1038 ext 2 or email at

Is this referral for a:
Referring Agency
Please describe the incident that led to the arrest in as much detail as possible.

Are there other youth involved in this case?
Are the other youth on the same case being referred for Conferencing?
If so, who? (If Applicable Please add their Contact Info)
  • {name}
Preferred Pronouns if Known
If the youth does not have a direct phone number please provide custodians name, number, and relation to the youth
Arrested Participant's Age (Please select range)
What is your current Gender Identity?
What other programs or services is the youth receiving?
  • {name}
Street, City, State, Zip Code
Name, Phone, Email
Has probation assigned additional requirements? If so, what are they? Please provide contact information when possible
  • {name}
Have all participants been notified of this referral?
Will any participants need interpreters?
(Victim) Phone Number or Email

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