
Lorem ipsum

Behind Company Lines guest request

Please complete the form below if you would like us to interview you or someone you work with as a guest on our show. If approved, heres what to expect... This will be a 45 minute video podcast, published to our audience. • 5 minutes to setup • 50 minutes of recording • 5 minutes for uploading Typical questions 1. What were you doing before starting the company? 2. What was the inspiration for starting the company? 3. Tell me about the traction of the company 4. What are the biggest risks that your company faces today? 5. What is your long term vision for the company? *Bonus* What books or people have influenced you the most?

"CEO of Google Inc." "Founder of ABC Media" "VP of Sales at Box" This will be used to title the podcast. Keep it short and simple!
  • {name}
For scheduling, media coordination, etc
ONLY if different than contact email above
PR Partner
Add your PR partner. If you don't see your agency listed, add it here:
Enter guest Linkedin
Guest Bio
5-10 sentences, this will be shown publicly and used on the show notes, and sent in our newsletter to 1,300+ people. Include embedded hyperlinks.

How much funding has the company raised? Or how many employees/contributors do you have?
Please provide any prompts or questions you would like the host to ask that would make for interesting conversation. Personal stories, topics, etc.

Upload 2 files (PNG or JPG) 1. Headshot 2. Company Logo
These will be used to make the graphic. Please include high definition headshot and logo.
Attach file
Drop files here
Confirm you are requesting a guest

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