
Lorem ipsum

Editor's Feedback

Good practices that you'd like to share with other editors
  • {name}
Improvements to the process that you'd like to see introduced
  • {name}
Basic text quality: lack of typos, good formatting
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
Language quality (grammar, clarity)
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
Translation of technical/MakerDAO related terms
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
How have you interacted with translator
(leave all section empty if you've worked with one translator only)
Basic text quality: lack of typos, good formatting
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
Language quality (grammar, clarity)
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
Translation of technical/MakerDAO related terms
0 * very bad / 5 * excellent
How have you interacted with translator
Do you have any additional details or comments that you would like to share with us?
  • {name}

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