Wet Noses Sitter Application
We are excited that you are interested in joining our team! Please fill out the application as thoroughly as possible so we can see if you are a good match!
City *
Do you check your email at least once per day? *
Do you have reliable transportation? *
Do you have a smartphone? *
May we run a criminal background check on you? *
Which position(s) are you applying for? *
Select all that you are interested in:
Select an option
Are you able to commit to working with Wet Noses Pet Sitting for at least 1 year? *
- {name}
For pet sitting, some dogs need mid-day walks, in addition to morning and evening walks. Does your daytime schedule allow for a quick mid-day visit between 11-2? *
- {name}
Are you available for both short and long duration of vacations?
They can vary from 1 day to a month or more.
- {name}
For pet sitting, are you available for both weekday visits as well as weekends?
- {name}
What days and times are you unavailable on a regular basis? *
- {name}
Are you available to provide normal visits during all holidays including Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and spring break? *
If no, for which holidays are you unavailable?
- {name}
Are there any other dates which you know you are unavailable coming up in the next 6 months? (Vacations, finals, etc.) *
- {name}
Do you have any physical limitations that would hinder your performance in the position applied for? *
- {name}
Please list pets you currently own and have owned in the past: *
- {name}
Have you done any pet sitting in the past? *
If yes, please list details:
- {name}
Have you done any animal related work or volunteering in the past? *
If yes, please list details:
- {name}
Please check those training tools you have experience using: *
Select an option
Do you have an issue using any of these tools? *
- {name}
Please check which animals you feel comfortable and/or have experience caring for: *
Select an option
Please check the animal behavior problems you have experience with: *
Select an option
How may hours per week would you like to work in this position? *
- {name}
Do you have another job/source of income? *
If yes, please list details:
- {name}
Please list at least 2 animal related references: *
- {name}
Please list your present employer, and last 2 previous employers and employment duration, if we may contact them as a reference. *
- {name}
You arrive at a house and discover that the kitty has peed outside of the litter box. What do you do? *
- {name}
You go for the first visit with two dogs alone and they are barking at you, baring their teeth. What do you do? *
- {name}
You are walking a dog that pulls constantly. What do you do? *
- {name}
Please tell us why you are interested in pet sitting and dog walking: *
- {name}
Why are you interested in working for Wet Noses Pet Sitting specifically? *
- {name}
Attach resume or cover letter (optional)
Attach file
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