MN Universal Data Elements (UDEs)
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County where resides
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
COVID Sub-assessment
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
Domestic Violence
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
Extent of Homelessness
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
Foster Care
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
Prior Permanent Residence Series
Short Name (from Data Elements List)
Recent Institutional History
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Tribal Membership
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Veteran Question Series
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TEST: Do you like cats?
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Everyone likes cats, they just like some cats more than others.
Change this question to "Which cats do you like most?"


Obviously yes

For vote by P&P

ICA Perspective:

  • Agree with user
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County where resides
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-This question can be confusing during an Adult Shelter Connect intake because most likely they are now in Hennepin County and the clients will just state Hennepin Country as where they currently reside because that is where they know the shelter options are located.

[Picklist of all MN counties]

Project Start
HoH Only
Intake/Data Collection Staff
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Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

ICA's Perspective:

  • Adding more detail to the Data Collection Instructions for this question is a possible solution. The person who submitted this proposed edit referred to the Adult Shelter Connect (ASC), which is collecting data on behalf of single adults shelters in Hennepin County prior to the client's anticipated stay at a shelter. So at the time this data is collected, the client may not be staying in Hennepin, but if they do, the answer to "County where resides" will need to be Hennepin, which might not be the case when the ASC is talking to the person. ICA would recommend that the ASC enters the answer Hennepin for all clients they collect data for.
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COVID-19 Survey (Optional Tool)
Remove this question from data collection
We are unclear if any providers are using this survey. This is not information that is currently utilized at a state level. We think it would be worth discussing at P+P whether this tool (and the visibility-incident something-)is needed or used anymore.

Read this article for questions and answers that are included in the COVID-19 Survey.

State Program (Funder)
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ICA's Perspective:

  • The P&P committee will work in partnership with ICA to determine if this survey is still useful and necessary in MN's HMIS at this stage of the public health emergency. This will not be voted on during the July 14, 2021 meeting, but it should be on the P&P committee's radar for an upcoming meeting.
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Domestic Violence
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Have you personally experience domestic violence before? If so how recently? Are you still concerned for your safety?
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Intake/Data Collection Staff
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Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!
Not possible

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Domestic Violence
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This questions should be removed from the Adult Shelter Connect intake process. Reasons: Most times the client will be forthcoming and tell us they are currently fleeing their abuser and that is why they are seeking shelter. It doesn’t need to be in the intake, it can just go in our stat sheet notes. We may trigger or re-traumatize the client during the intake process which can be very harmful especially if the intake is being conducted over the phone and there is no way to assess emotional needs and safety of the client. Men are often offended by this question. It will take some rapport building to begin to ask these types of questions to males an/or same-sex partners in particular. Also, it may be hard for same-sex and LGBTQ+ partners to disclose this information since we have limited shelter options that are designed for them in mind. The Domestic Violence shelters in MN are at capacity. It is not uncommon for a DV advocate to call the Adult Shelter Connect requesting shelte
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

ICA's Perspective:

  • While P&P can't authorize edits to this question, since it is a HUD Common Program Specific Data Element, it can change the collection requirements (e.g., project types that require this data element).
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Extent of homelessness by Minnesota's definition on the day before program entry
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when asking where they slept the night before, it doesnt show up as necessarily homeless for the CES
1.Not currently homeless
2.1st time homeless and less than 1 year without home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
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Share relevant Knowledge Base article or other ICA resource

ICA's Perspective:

  • ICA needs to explore if this is a reporting issue and/or a training issue (ie users are not consistently or correctly completing the field as intended). Another possibility for ICA to explore, if relevant, is adding additional clarifying text to the CE assessments. ICA will pursue further, but it is our recommendation that this not be considered within the scope of data standards changes.
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Extent of homelessness by Minnesota's definition on the day before program entry
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-This question should be asked once clients are referred to a housing program not at the first point of entry such as the Adult Shelter Connect. We do intakes via phone and in-person. It is hard to get this information from someone over the phone or in a short meeting timespan that may only occur once. To get accurate information for this data element, the staff member should spend an extended period of time with the client and help them to map out their housing history to determine if they meet the current long-term homeless definition. It is hard for the client to determine if they have been homeless for 1 year or 4 times in the past 3 years versus just being homeless multiple times and not meeting the long-term homeless definition, especially during phone intakes/ short intake screenings.
1.Not currently homeless
2.1st time homeless and less than 1 year without home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

ICA's Perspective:

  • The request is to make this data element required for certain project types, which is possible, but that would impact the specific project types across all of MN, not just in Hennepin County where the ASC operates.
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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
Remove this question from data collection
Does not affect housing and can be re-traumatizing to client
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
HMIS End User
Intake/Data Collection Staff
street outreach worker, CES assessor
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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
Remove this question from data collection
I know this is helpful for people in power, but this is not very trauma informed or low barrier for people first entering shelter. Very hard to ask this question of people we just meet at the ASC for the first time, for example
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
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Once again this question does not have to be ask at intake when getting someone into shelter. It should be ask before a program entry or when a person is engaged with a case manager and they are a young adult.
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

ICA's Perspective:

  • State youth programs (HTA and HYA) have been contacted and have confirmed that this question as a MN universal data element in HMIS is not necessary for determining eligibility for their programs. It is important that agencies still know about programs that eligible youth could be referred to, but requiring the data element is not necessary.
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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
Remove this question from data collection
This is a question that many of our front line staff experience as retraumatizing to participants at intake. Sometimes participants of our programs have in fact been in the foster care system, and in many cases those experiences were very traumatic. Entering into the social services system again through programs like SHS can sometimes remind people of that institutionalization that they have already experienced. It also can surface memories that are difficult for someone to share in that initial meeting, and that a family advocate who is not a trained therapist will not be equipped to meaningfully support the first time they connect with that family or individual.
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
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Rationale: To connect and refer eligible clients to available services. For more information, visit the DHS adolescent services page. -I think this question should be asked once the client is referred to a housing program or the does coordinated entry assessment. This question does not need to be asked by the Adult Shelter Connect staff because if the client says “yes” we do not connect them to eligible services right away or at all (that is out of the scope of our role).
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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Are you or have you ever been in foster care?
Remove this question from data collection
If this is collected for research/monitoring purposes, is the best way to ask about about time in the foster care system? No members of the REDD committee use this to programmatically assess eligibility for services related to foster care. It interrupts rapport-building and potentially brings up negative memories for clients. It could be better asked once the client is referred to a housing program or does coordinated entry assessment, but not for shelters or transitional housing. This question does not need to be asked by the Adult Shelter Connect staff because if the client says “yes” we do not connect them to eligible services right away or at all (that is out of the scope of our role).
Project Start
Clients 26 and Under
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

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City of prior residence (MN only):
Remove this question from data collection
I think that we should move away from most of the address history questions. except for "Extent of Homelessness" The extent requires verification, by the time someone arrives at our program, the extent of homelessness has been verified. Additionally, for many programs, including LTH, agencies are required to keep a paper copy of the LTH (or other homelessness verification) form in the client file - the Housing history is documented there. Entering it into HMIS with these other questions is duplicative, and an unnecessary administrative burden. Housing histories are difficult for data administrators to keep on top of - there is no clean way to audit our internal database for accurate housing history information, and that is made worse if only a PDF of the housing history is uploaded to the file. I wonder if this data point is being utilized for anything, or if we would be better off without it.

[Lookup field of all Minnesota Cities]

Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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County of prior residence (MN only)
Remove this question from data collection
I think that we should move away from most of the address history questions. except for "Extent of Homelessness" The extent requires verification, by the time someone arrives at our program, the extent of homelessness has been verified. Additionally, for many programs, including LTH, agencies are required to keep a paper copy of the LTH (or other homelessness verification) form in the client file - the Housing history is documented there. Entering it into HMIS with these other questions is duplicative, and an unnecessary administrative burden. Housing histories are difficult for data administrators to keep on top of - there is no clean way to audit our internal database for accurate housing history information, and that is made worse if only a PDF of the housing history is uploaded to the file. I wonder if this data point is being utilized for anything, or if we would be better off without it.

[Picklist of all MN Counties]

Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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How long since client had permanent place to live (permanent address)?
Remove this question from data collection
I think that we should move away from most of the address history questions. except for "Extent of Homelessness" The extent requires verification, by the time someone arrives at our program, the extent of homelessness has been verified. Additionally, for many programs, including LTH, agencies are required to keep a paper copy of the LTH (or other homelessness verification) form in the client file - the Housing history is documented there. Entering it into HMIS with these other questions is duplicative, and an unnecessary administrative burden. Housing histories are difficult for data administrators to keep on top of - there is no clean way to audit our internal database for accurate housing history information, and that is made worse if only a PDF of the housing history is uploaded to the file. I wonder if this data point is being utilized for anything, or if we would be better off without it.
1.0 (Prevention/Current Residence)
2.Less than 1 month
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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State (Location of prior residence)
Remove this question from data collection
I think that we should move away from most of the address history questions. except for "Extent of Homelessness" The extent requires verification, by the time someone arrives at our program, the extent of homelessness has been verified. Additionally, for many programs, including LTH, agencies are required to keep a paper copy of the LTH (or other homelessness verification) form in the client file - the Housing history is documented there. Entering it into HMIS with these other questions is duplicative, and an unnecessary administrative burden. Housing histories are difficult for data administrators to keep on top of - there is no clean way to audit our internal database for accurate housing history information, and that is made worse if only a PDF of the housing history is uploaded to the file. I wonder if this data point is being utilized for anything, or if we would be better off without it.

[Picklist of 50 States, Washing, D.C., and Other Country - Outside US]

Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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How long since client had permanent place to live (permanent address)?
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Data Collection Instructions A permanent address is an apartment, house, or room where the client last lived for 90 days or more. Shelters and time-limited housing are not permanent addresses. -I think this question is somewhat confusing and may not be capturing the data we are hoping for. Just because someone is living in someone’s house for 90 days does not mean it was their permanent address, the client could have simply been couch hopping 3 months at a time or doing a short-term hotel/airbnb stay. Open to having more conversations.
1.0 (Prevention/Current Residence)
2.Less than 1 month
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

ICA's Perspective:

  • It would be useful to make sure this question series aligns with MN's definition of homelessness (which includes couch-hopping), as it currently does not.
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City of prior residence (MN only):
Remove this question from data collection
Consider removing these questions OR using them much more intentionally. On one hand, our group is interested in utilizing these data points to observe which zip codes see the highest flow into homelessness that reveal an opportunity to prevention resources by county. On the other hand, this data element seems as though it is a display of “NIMBY” (Not in My Backyard); is it necessary? Who is it convincing that homelessness is not just from “other there”? Lastly, this data element is redundant with extent of homelessness by MN definition and the Prior Living Situation Series.

[Lookup field of all Minnesota Cities]

Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

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County of prior residence (MN only)
Remove this question from data collection
Consider removing these questions OR using them much more intentionally. On one hand, our group is interested in utilizing these data points to observe which zip codes see the highest flow into homelessness that reveal an opportunity to prevention resources by county. On the other hand, this data element seems as though it is a display of “NIMBY” (Not in My Backyard); is it necessary? Who is it convincing that homelessness is not just from “other there”? Lastly, this data element is redundant with extent of homelessness by MN definition and the Prior Living Situation Series.

[Picklist of all MN Counties]

Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

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Did the client leave any of the places listed in the last 3 months before project start date?
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I do not think that this is something that needs to be ask at during intake at Adult Shelter Connect. I think that it should be ask, if the person is going to be entering into a housing program. The answer to this question will not stop someone from getting into shelter.
1.Adoptive Home (from foster care system)
2.Foster Home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

Please see the External Notes documented in this request to remove the data element.

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Did the client leave any of the places listed in the last 3 months before project start date?
Remove this question from data collection
I don't understand how this data is being used. There is no rationale for this question on the Airtable.
1.Adoptive Home (from foster care system)
2.Foster Home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
For vote by P&P

ICA's Perspective:

  • If P&P does not vote to retire this data element as a UDE, the committee could write the rationale for this data element so its use is clearer to HMIS users collecting and entering this data.
Propose an edit to a current question
Did the client leave any of the places listed in the last 3 months before project start date?
Remove this question from data collection
I think that we should move away from most of the address history questions. except for "Extent of Homelessness" The extent requires verification, by the time someone arrives at our program, the extent of homelessness has been verified. Additionally, for many programs, including LTH, agencies are required to keep a paper copy of the LTH (or other homelessness verification) form in the client file - the Housing history is documented there. Entering it into HMIS with these other questions is duplicative, and an unnecessary administrative burden. Housing histories are difficult for data administrators to keep on top of - there is no clean way to audit our internal database for accurate housing history information, and that is made worse if only a PDF of the housing history is uploaded to the file. I wonder if this data point is being utilized for anything, or if we would be better off without it.
1.Adoptive Home (from foster care system)
2.Foster Home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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Did the client leave any of the places listed in the last 3 months before project start date?
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It would be great to have a rationale for this question, why are we asking it? Open to having more conversations, but it may not be the best question to ask during the ASC intake process, maybe wait until the client is in a housing program.
1.Adoptive Home (from foster care system)
2.Foster Home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

Please see the External Notes documented in this request to remove the data element.

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Did the client leave any of the places listed in the last 3 months before project start date?
Remove this question from data collection
Our committee is ambivalent about this question and would like to have clear rationale. Is this data point used across systems? This data point could be used to collaborate across these institutions for solution-oriented approaches to stop clogging the system with inappropriate discharges from programs/institutions. Are we trying to identify the areas that need our attention to close loopholes and gaps in the system? Programmatic feedback: this question is not necessary for shelter intake. It could be helpful for service coordination, but it is unlikely that case managers would look this up in HMIS as opposed to other means. We considered full removal of the question for shelters, however, we also discussed that if we only look this data point for those being served by a housing project, we would not be able to observe if less subpopulations are entering housing than enter shelter. While that is a reason why to ask it as a UDE, is it used?
1.Adoptive Home (from foster care system)
2.Foster Home
Project Start
HoH and Other Adults
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P

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If Native American, of which tribe are you an enrolled member?
Remove this question from data collection
I know this is a newer data element, but I am wondering of its purpose and it's use. Possibly this is necessary for coordination with tribe in Minnesota, but if there is not a use for this question, it seems like an unnecessary thing to be tracking. Something about tracking tribal enrollments along side information about homelessness feels racist to me unless there is a reason that the tribes themselves want and use the data.
1.Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota
2.Mdewakanton Sioux Indians
Record Creation
All Clients
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

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If Native American, of which tribe are you an enrolled member?
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This question needs to be re-worded. It is not very inclusive to the urban indigenous population who may or may not have any strong ties to their tribe (or know what it is). This question does not account for any historical racism that is the cause for loss of culture. It also assumes that you have to be an enrolled member to be considered native, which is far from the truth.
1.Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota
2.Mdewakanton Sioux Indians
Record Creation
All Clients
Intake/Data Collection Staff
For vote by P&P
Connection to previous Data Standards reviews!

ICA's Perspective:

  •  None
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a. Did you serve on Active Duty, or in the National Guard or Reserves?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
2.Yes, Active Duty (regardless of Guard and Reserve answers)
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

ICA's Perspective:

  • MDVA has been contacted and confirmed that these are now redundant with their Homeless Veteran's Registry. They no longer need A - F in this series to be collected in HMIS.
Propose an edit to a current question
b. If Guard or Reserve: Were you ever called to Active Duty as a member of the National Guard or as a Reservist?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

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c. Did you enter Active Duty before 9/7/1980?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

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d. For approximately how many months did you serve?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.

[Text Field]

Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

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e. What kind of discharge did you have?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
1.Honorable or under honorable conditions
2.Other than honorable, but not dishonorable
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

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f. Are you receiving VA disability pay?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

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g. Has the client been referred to the Homeless Veteran Registry?
Remove this question from data collection
I wonder about the additional assessment questions about being a veteran on the assessment after it has already been captured on the client profile. The first question feels duplicative, and the subsequent detail questions feel like a higher level of detail than should be necessary. I wonder if and how this data is being used, or if we might be better off removing those questions.
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
HMIS End User
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P
Contact MDVA

Please see the External Notes documented in this request to edit the data element.

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a. Did you serve on Active Duty, or in the National Guard or Reserves?
Remove this question from data collection
Because some of the questions are insensitive to ask during an intake and can be triggering/re-traumatizing, especially if they had a negative experience in the military. Questions such as: For approximately how long did you serve (does it matter, a veteran is a veteran), What type of discharge did you have?, Do you receive VA Disability benefits?, etc. For example, the Adult Shelter Connect reaches out to veterans services when just the first question is true (are they a veteran) after intake for potential service delivery. The rest we do not need. Another perspective: many veterans do not want to engage with VA, so the asking the whole series of questions, even if they do not want to engage VA, can feel non-consensual. If kept, is there a way to only ask if the client chooses rather than required? These questions can remind clients of difficult interactions with the VA, as well.
We would like to see the veteran series questions reduced. The only questions could be: 1. Did you serve in the U.S. Military. If yes, what kind of discharge did you have? If yes, the client should be referred to the Homeless Veteran Registry and other veteran resources.
2.Yes, Active Duty (regardless of Guard and Reserve answers)
Project Start
Adult Clients Only
Supervisor of HMIS End Users or Intake Staff
For vote by P&P

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35 records


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