RAIN Rescue Foster Application
First and Last
Has everyone in the household agreed to foster an animal in the home? *
- Yes
- No
List the ages and relationship of all people in the foster home (including children) *
- {name}
Have you owned pets in the past? *
- Yes
- No
What type and how many animals do you currently have in your home? *
- {name}
Do you have an area in your home to isolate the foster animal from your pets? Please describe this area. *
- {name}
Do you own or rent your home? *
- Rent
- Own
Do you plan on moving within the next year? *
- Yes
- No
Do you have a vehicle that you can use to transport your foster animal to and from our vet if necessary? *
- Yes
- No
What made you decide to foster? *
- {name}
Have you ever fostered before? *
- Yes
- No
(We may call your vet as a reference)
Are you interested in fostering a cat or a dog? *
- Cat
- Dog
- Either
I certify that the answers I’ve provided are true and complete, and I understand that any misrepresentation may result in denial of this foster application or removal of the foster animal from my home. *
- Agree
- Disagree
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