
Lorem ipsum

Submit an Event

Thank you for sharing your event information with the Western Massachusetts Jewish community in Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin counties! You can now also add non-event opportunity information here: Please note that this calendar is managed by the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, and is intended to display local events or events co-sponsored by local partner organizations and constituent agencies. We appreciate your thoughtful selection of marketing options; these may be changed from your original selection to better reflect the audience and intention of specific emails or other platforms. On Mondays, we send out an email with events for an adult or all-ages audience. On Wednesdays, we send out an email for an audience of families with children. Please select the options that make the most sense for your intended audience. Questions? Contact or call 413-737-4313.

Please do not write in CAPS!
Does your event repeat?
Please note: If your event has different details or description for multiple dates, please submit a separate form for each.
Type of Event
  • Board Meeting/Invitation-Only
  • School Event
  • Class / Workshop
  • Lecture / Presentation / Discussion
  • Children / Families
  • Teens / Young Adults
  • Festival / Carnival / Fair
  • Religious / Spiritual
  • Concert / Performance
  • Fundraiser
  • Holiday
  • Other
Please select the organization(s) responsible for this event.
Submitter Contact Information (if different from contact person)
This is for internal use only; will not be displayed on the calendar.
  • {name}
If this is a private or invitation-only event and you do not want the name displayed on the calendar, please check this box.
Marketing Options
  • I do not want this event to be publicized; it will be listed on the calendar for scheduling purposes only.
  • Monday: Adult/Community Events Weekly Email from JFWM
  • Wednesday: Children/Family Events Weekly Email from JFWM & PJ Library Newsletter from JCC
  • Additional Social Media (Facebook/Instagram)
  • Additional Publicity if possible
Is your event virtual, in-person, or hybrid?
Try to limit this to one short sentence!
Detailed Event Description

Is registration required for this event?
Do you want us to continue to promote your event after the RSVP deadline?
Please click on the box below if yes.
This will be public on the calendar.
Please list these as you would like them to appear on the calendar!
Fee to attend (if applicable)
Event Image
This image should NOT be a flyer; it will be displayed in the community calendar and in marketing options as selected.
Attach file
Drop files here
Flyer (Optional)
Please upload JPG/PNG files ONLY. No PDF files please.
Attach file
Drop files here
Additional Information or Comments
This will not be displayed on the community calendar.
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form