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NEW Student Enrollment for (Feb. - Jun. 2025) EmpowerU Classes

In Spring 2025, we will offer classes both online and in-person. (DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM TWICE) NEW STUDENTS ONLY FILL THIS FORM Old student, check your email.

Any nickname you go by
Your HKID in this format WX123456(7)
Receipts will be sent via email. Please provide a valid email address that you can access, and that you remember the password to. We will also send you some additional class information via email.
Please REPEAT THE SAME E-MAIL you input above to check it is correct.
Put the phone number you use for WhatsApp in this format (Yes, include the "+"): +852 12345678
The phone number where we can reach your emergency contact (be sure to add country code)
How are you related to your emergency contact?
Country of origin
Where were you born?
Why does EmpowerU interest you?
How did you hear about EmpowerU?
If you were referred by an active EmpowerU student, please write their name here:
EmpowerU Guidelines
1. Student will not be allowed to continue to attend classes or participate in other activities unless tuition and fees are paid in a timely manner. 2. Class tuition is not refundable. 3. Attendance will be checked and students are required to pass all the requirements set by specific programs. 4. Students are required to follow the rules and regulations stated by the university. 5. It is prohibited to engage in networking business, recruitment, solicitations among students and staff. By completing this form and hereby registering for enrollment for the EmpowerU program, you acknowledge and agree to follow the aforementioned guidelines. Check your email inbox for a confirmation email with additional instructions. Click the checkbox below to agree, and then click Submit.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form