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Foster Application

Welcome to Richmond Animal League! We are excited to have you as part of our foster family. Please familiarize yourself with the fostering handbooks and fill out the following information to be added to our foster database.

Preferred Type of Contact
You must be 18 or older to fosters pets at Richmond Animal League. A minor is able to foster with a parent or guardian.
Do you have any previous foster experience? Please provide details such as type of pets, age of pets, how long you fostered, the organization that you fostered for, etc.
  • {name}
How many people are in your home?
  • {name}
Age of children that live in or visit home.
  • Ages 0-5
  • Ages 6-12
  • Ages 13-17
  • Ages 18+
  • None
Current Pets
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Small Mammals
  • Outdoor Animals (Chickens, ducks, goats, etc)
  • Other
  • None
Do you rent or own? Any rental or HOA restrictions for pets?
  • {name}
Are you capable of bringing foster pets to the Loving Spay and Neuter Clinic for vetting appointments? Or another local vet should you pet need additional care. Some of these appointments may need you to stay with your foster pet.
Foster Pet Preferences (Check all that apply).
Dog size preference. (Select all that apply). **Please note RAL does not get small dogs very often. When we do they often have medical concerns, priority placement will be given to fosters with medical experience or willing to learn medical treatments.
Number of each pet you are willing to foster.
Do you have experience syringe/bottle feeding kittens or puppies? Some experience would be more than two different sets of bottle babies.
Are you experienced with giving pets any of the following medications or are willing to learn.
Are you willing to foster a pet with one of the following medical condition? **RAL provides all of the medication and supplies that are needed for the treatment of foster pets.**
Would you be willing to foster a pet with a fungal infection. Treatment once ringworm is detected is anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Supplies and medication are all provided by RAL.
If interested in adult dogs are you willing/able to work with a dog that is on a behavioral plan from our veterinarian? **A behavior plan could include the following: medications, lifestyle modifications, and/or trainings. **
Could you describe your home environment? Example: Fenced in yard, apartment with dog park, neighborhood with lots of children and pets around, general home traffic. Answers here do not eliminate anyone from fostering. It only helps us to best place pets.
  • {name}
Any additional notes you would like for us to know when choosing foster homes.
  • {name}
This is a foster requirement. Please initial below to confirm you have reviewed the handbook and save this link for future reference!
How did you hear about our fostering program?

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