2025 Scholarship Application
Gather all information before you start this process - application will NOT save if closed out. Due before midnight March 15, 2025
Please use personal email
Have You Participated in 3 or more CareerTek Activities? (Coming to Study or Career Counseling also qualifies) *
- Yes
- No
List Your Participation in CareerTek Activities *
- {name}
Tell us about yourself *
- {name}
Upload Your Picture *
Provide a picture you are willing to have published on our website and social media if you are awarded the scholarship
Attach file
Drop files here
Why Should You Be Awarded a Scholarship? *
- {name}
Upload Transcripts *
Attach file
Drop files here
List Honors, Awards or Special Achievements *
- {name}
List Leadership Roles *
- {name}
List Extra Curricular Activities ( EX. Sports, NHS etc) *
- {name}
Volunteer: List Volunteer Involvement, Start/End Date & number of hours/day. Also indicate if it was required or not. *
- {name}
Education Goal - Choose One *
- Apprenticeship
- 2 year degree
- 4 year degree
List Colleges or Universities You Have Applied To:
- {name}
Desired Future Occupation: *
- {name}
Employment: List Employers or Upload Resume Below
- {name}
Upload Resume
Attach file
Drop files here
Additional Comments
- {name}
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form