Sign Up to Foster!
First and Last
Type of pets you currently own: *
Select all that apply
- Dog(s)
- Cat(s)
- Rabbit(s)
- Small Animals (ex: Hamster, Gerbils, Ferrets, etc)
- Reptile(s)
- Bird(s)
- Farm/Barn Animals
- Other
- I don't own any cats or dogs at this time.
- I don't own any pets at this time.
The noise/activity level in my home is *usually* *
- Low
- Low/Medium
- Medium
- Medium/High
- High
I need a pet that will tolerate being alone _____hours a day. *
Select all that apply
- 0-2 hours
- 2-5 hours
- 5-8 hours
- 8+ hours
All animals need time to transition to a new environment, are you willing to work with that animal till the transition is complete? *
- Yes
- No
Some animals will need training, in that event, are you willing to consistently provide the recommended training? *
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
Bad pet habits I cannot tolerate are: *
Select all that apply
- Excessive Barking
- Dog Aggressive
- Cat Aggressive
- Human Aggressive
- Digging
- Shedding
- Not Trainable
- Pottying in House
- Separation Anxiety
- Chewing
- Biting/Nipping
- None
Please provide two personal references *
Please provide their names and contact information
- {name}
Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about you or the type of pet(s) you are interested in fostering: *
- {name}
I understand that The Rescue's main objective is to make good pairings between foster pets and families and may suggest specific pets for you to foster. *
I understand that the duration of this foster period can be reliant on sending marketing materials to the right person to help get this pet seen and adopted. *
Marketing materials may include:
• Photos
• Videos
• Stoires about the pet
• Filling out a questionairre about the pet
I understand that Proud Pups Rescue Inc will schedule a home visit with my family prior to approval. *
I am at least 21 years old. *
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