Associate Professor Fund in Global and International Research
Please use the following form to submit your grant application. Questions should be directed to:
Title *
Select an option
Brief CV of Applicant/Principal Investigator (up to 5 pages) *
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Title of Project *
- {name}
Project Narrative *
Upload project narrative of up to 4 double-spaced pages, with a concise description of research, scholarship or creative activity, including:
o Statement of the nature, objectives, and expected outcomes of the proposed research activity;
o Description of the significance of the proposed research for the discipline;
o Explanation of how this project fits into the associate professor’s broader research program and what role this work will play in the ultimate promotion to full professor, including clarification of whether the proposed investment will enable a new research direction or the completion of an ongoing project; and
o Detailed timeline for accomplishing objectives (plans should acknowledge that the funds requested should generally be expended within two years from the date of award).
Attach file
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Budget *
Upload an itemized budget not to exceed 2 pages for amounts up to $20,000, including a justification explaining basis for cost estimates and their specific uses in the project.
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Confidential letter of recommendation from relevant chair (submitted separately to by the deadline) commenting on the timing of the request and the faculty member’s project as it relates to readiness for the next promotion as well as the unit’s commitment to administering the fund and organizing a lecture of the faculty member (1 page maximum).
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