
Lorem ipsum


Join the team at the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, Juneau Arts and Culture Center, and Centennial Hall! Visit to see current openings. Positions are open until filled.

Position Applying for
Seeking PT or FT position
Select all that fit
  • Full time
  • Part time
  • Weekends
  • Evenings
  • Seasonal
Best number to reach you at
If different from phone number listed above
Are you eligible to work in the USA
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?
If yes, please explain
  • {name}
Attach your résumé that shows:
Name Employment history, including o Employer name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) o Dates of Employment o Major responsibilities o Reason for leaving Educational background (If Applicable) o Applicable Degrees, Certificates or other qualifications Particular skills or experiences that apply to this position. (Refer to the “successful applicant will have” section of the job description.) Three references, names and contact information, at least one of which is an employment reference. Click the attach file text to select your resume to attach, or drag and drop a file to the drop files here section.
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May we contact your current employer?
Additional Attachments
Anything else you would like to add to showcase your skills or experience not covered above.
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