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Global Lounge Meet Up Space Booking Form

Fill in this form to express interest in booking the Global Lounge. Booking requests will be reviewed and responded to within 5 working days. Only consider your booking accepted if you receive a confirmation email. For more information, please visit or contact us at Please note: We do not allow the consumption of alcohol during private events as per our booking terms (

Are you happy with our booking terms for a Meet up space?
Meet Up Booking Terms • Reserved space with free tea, coffee and snacks • Up to 40 expected attendees • Specific space layout is not required • Equipment such as projector or microphone is not required • Other visitors might be sharing the space nearby • Prioritised for Mondays and Fridays 9am-5pm, or Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-12pm. Check availability:
Please indicitate what time you will arrive for your event, including any set-up time.
Please include time to tidy up and vacate the space after your event has ended. Make sure you leave promptly at the end of your booking slot as there might be another activity taking place right after.
For example, 2-3PM. This excludes any time for set up and tidy up
The name of the person making this booking
The email address of the person making this booking
The phone number of the person making this booking
Are you a
The name of the event, meeting or activity, e.g. French Society Social, or Diwali planning meeting.
Tell us briefly about your booking
Tell us what your collaboration idea/meet-up entails
  • {name}
If you do not know the exact number, you can leave a rough estimate in a hyphenated range, e.g. 5-10, 30-40. This information will help us allocate you to an appropriate event/meeting space.
Are you planning to do any of the below at your event?
  • None of the above
  • Use catering provider
  • Serve home made food
  • Charge guests for event tickets or food
  • Bring in any electrical equipment
  • Use sharp objects such as knifes
  • Make crafts
  • Invite external guests
  • Invite external speakers
  • Film or photograph the event
  • Play music
  • Use decorations
Catering restrictions
You are welcome to bring food for your own consumption. However, if you are serving food to your event guests, catering must be provided by the University-approved catering company.
Do you agree to follow our booking guidelines?

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