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Application: Social Innovators in Training

Thank you for your interest in GreenHouse's Social Innovators in Training Program (SIIT). Before you fill out the form, we recommend visiting our website for a better idea of what to expect from SIIT: We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. Winter programming starts January 15th.

Please check the box below if you'd like to subscribe to updates about events & program opportunities
What program are you interested in?
Please use your UW email if you have one.
This will help us stay in touch with you after you have graduated!
What term would you like to start with GreenHouse?
Pitch yourself!
Please answer the below questions and upload your file Acceptable formats: Narrated PPT, Video Maximum length: 2min File name: First Name_Last Name_Term_Year (eg: John Doe_Winter_2025) 1) Tell us a bit about yourself - what you bring to the table, any work / volunteer / personal experiences that lends to who you are, etc. 2) Outline what issues, problem spaces, or specific business idea got you to apply to GreenHouse. Examples include climate change, healthcare, social causes, education 3) Explain what you hope to gain from your enrollment at GreenHouse. Examples include coaching, venture planning, networking opportunities
Attach file
Drop files here
Do you have any questions?
  • {name}
How did you hear about GreenHouse?
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Posters on campus
  • A friend
  • Class presentation or workshop
  • Other

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