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WIA Coaches Library Resource Submission Form

Please be as detailed as possible when submitting resources! The more information provided on each resource, the more complete and user friendly our library will be!

Title of article/webinar/book/video/etc. that you are submitting
Please upload an image to help visually identify your resource. This could be an image of a book cover, and image from the article, or any image that relates to your resource. (this step is optional, but super helpful to us!)
Attach file
Drop files here
Where did you find this resource? Website, periodical, journal, etc.
If your resource can be found online, please provide the URL
Please select the option below that most closely identifies the type of resource you are uploading.
Please identify which language(s) this resource is in
Please select the top 2 - 3 topics this resource addresses
Does this resource celebrate, elevate or speak directly to the experience of systemically oppressed leaders?
File Upload
If your resource is not an online resource, please upload a PDF, Word, or other document format.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please provide a brief 1 - 2 sentence synopsis of your resource

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form