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BACC Cultural Entity Survey

BACC is a nonprofit organization committed to the preservation of cultural heritage and conservation of art and historic materials. We offer conservation treatment, support for collections care, emergency response and recovery, as well as training and education to both institutions and individuals via professional development, internships and fellowships. The goal of this survey is to learn more about the arts and culture entities and collections in our region. With this information we can better inform how we engage, where we are most needed, and how we can best support you. Feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions or wish to discuss the survey further. - Leticia, Alexis, Sara, Bianca, Morgan, Erick, Emma, and Angie The Team of Balboa Art Conservation Center

Please the physical address of your entity.
Section 1 1. Does your entity have a collection or an archive? If yes, complete Sections 1 and 2 then submit your responses. If no or unsure, please complete Section 1 and then submit your responses.
2. What is your organizational budget?
3. How would you classify your organization?
4. Does your organization have historical archives of significant papers, objects, or records?
Please complete the remainder of the survey only if your entity has a collection. Otherwise please scroll to the end and submit your responses from Section 1 Thank you again for your time and we look forward to being in touch soon.
Section 2 5a. Tell us more about your collection. Check the box(es) to indicate which of the following mediums represent 25% or more of your collection:
5b. Which of the following groups have at least 25% representation in your collection?
6a. To your knowledge does your organization have a plan for Collections Care?
6b. If yes, do you have a budget allotted for Collections Care?
6c. Who provides your entity's Collections Care needs?
7a. To your knowledge does your organization have a plan for art conservation?
7b. If yes, do you have a budget allotted to conservation?
7c. Who supports your entity's conservation efforts?
8. Which of the following offerings are most needed by your organization?
10. What does Collections Care look like for your organization?
  • {name}
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