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2023 Food & Transportation Request Form

If you need food or transportation assistance to attend a YAWP session, please complete this request form. (Remember that funding is limiting, so only make a request if you absolutely need it. We will do all we can to accommodate requests as long as funding allows.) If you are not approved for a request, you should hear back one week before the event. Fulfilled requests for T passes and food stipends will be shipped to the provided mailing address unless an in-person pickup has been otherwise requested. Please note that meal stipends will only be provided for our Summer Weeklong classes. Snacks and pizza are provided for our Saturday classes.

Class Name
Address (remember to provide FULL address with zip code!)
  • {name}
I am requesting a(n):
  • MBTA Bus Pass
  • MBTA Subway Pass
  • MBTA Commuter Rail Pass
  • Meal Stipend or Gift Card

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