
Lorem ipsum

Filming Requests

This form is needed to apply for filming permission to film anywhere on Shepherds Bush Market. We will try our hardest to support you but we can not always accommodate all requests. Please be aware that only the open part of the market is under this permission. New Shepherds Bush Market is a different operator.

What is the filming for?
Please give a general outline of the programme and
  • {name}
Where are you wanting to film in the market?
If you are at the market or go on Google Maps Street veiw you can see unit numbers painted on the floor

Please give us your full company details
We will use these for any invoices for filming so please use the correct legal entity for billing.
  • {name}
Insurance Policy
This policy must have PLI cover of at least 5 million
Attach file
Drop files here

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form