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🐱 moggie application form

Thank you for your interest in joining moggie 😽 ! We look forward to hearing from you. Moggie is a communication device (smart collar & app) designed to enhance cat and cat parent interspecies relationship, by gathering activity data on cat behaviour and translating it to natural language. Think of it as a perfect union between Fitbit & Tamagotchi. 🐈 + πŸ€– = πŸ’¬ Are you interested in being part of this early-stage pet tech company created by a like-minded passionate cat community? Do you like challenging boundaries and questioning standard behaviours to unlock the door of unresolved complex problems? If the answer to any of the above is yes, you have come to the right place. We will only use your data for any purpose which is related to your recruitment and employment, such as the numerous administrative tasks which surround interviewing, evaluating and employment. This form connects directly to our job board. If a job position corresponding to your skills is available, we will make contact with you for an interview.

(your actual postal address)
  • {name}
Share with us the easiest way to reach to you (+XX 12 345 67 89)
Copy-paste your LinkedIn profil
Applying for
Where are you based?
What would be our ideal occupancy rate? 60%, 80% or 100%
What would you like to bring to Moggie?

How long do you have to count before you start with us? (in terms of week : eg 4 weeks)
Share with us a recent pictures (of you, of course!)
Attach file
Drop files here
Share your CV
Attach file
Drop files here
How did you heard about us ?

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form