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PBRC - Sign up for a FREE Review of your Driving Record

Thank you for asking the NC Pro Bono Resource Center to review your driving record. After you sign up, we will: • Review your NC driving record, • Identify all suspensions, and • Find the reasons for those suspensions. Then in 8-12 weeks, one of our lawyers will send you an “Advice Letter.” This letter will identify the suspensions and explain how to resolve them and get your license back. Please be patient. Many people have signed up for our free review. Fill out below if you want us to review your NC driving record and explain how to resolve any suspensions.

Do you want to receive your advice letter in Spanish or English?
If you would like to complete this form in Spanish, please click on this link instead.
Maiden name or other last name you have ever had.
If you have a driver's license number, providing it helps us confirm that the DMV is providing us the correct record.
If you do not have a driver's license number but you do have a NC ID number, providing it helps us confirm that the DMV is providing us the correct record.
How to Send Your Advice Letter
Please select email unless you do not have a reliable email address. Choosing email will ensure you get your letter at least a week earlier than if it is mailed.
Text Messaging
I agree to receive text messages related to this request. You will only receive text messages if we need more information. For example, if your contact information, date of birth, or driver's license number, are missing or incorrect. Any text messages will come from the phone number (954) 628-5664 and will have a link for you to fill out to give us that information. If you do not agree to receive text messages, this could delay your request if we are not able to contact you in another way. Standard messaging rates will apply.
  • Asian
  • Black/African-American
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Native American/Alaska Native
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • White/Caucasian
  • Other
  • Prefer Not to Say
How Did You Hear About us?
  • Local News
  • Newspaper
  • Facebook/Other Social Media
  • Friend
  • Word of Mouth
  • Other
Explain how you qualify:
NC Pro Bono Resource Center provides legal help to people that cannot afford or access a lawyer or for the good of the community.
  • I cannot afford a lawyer
  • I have not been able to find a lawyer near me
  • I have not been able to find a lawyer available when I am.
  • I have not been able to find a lawyer with DMV experience.
  • Other reason (explain)
How many people live in your household?
Please include children and anyone else who lives in your home.
Please include all sources of income from everyone working in your household.
Do you receive public assistance?
Are you a client of any of the nonprofit organizations below? If so, please select which one. If not, please select "none."
Please note that to preserve your confidentiality, we cannot discuss your case with anyone from these organizations. If you are a client of one of these organizations, it is your responsibility to let them know about any new developments with your case.
Are you an enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians?
I understand that the Pro Bono Resource Center can only provide an advice letter if the DMV can locate my driving record based on the identifying information I provide in this form.
Identifying information includes your correctly spelled name, your date of birth, and a driver's license number or NC ID number. If the DMV is unable to locate your driving record, you may receive follow-up communication from the PBRC asking for more information.
I understand that the Pro Bono Resource Center provides advice only and cannot represent me to end my driving suspension.
I understand that filling out this form is not a guarantee of service.
Clicking SUBMIT below means you give permission to the NC Pro Bono Resource Center to get a copy of your driving record from the NC DMV.

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