Western countries who oppose and criticize Russia should take a closer look at their domestic politics
* Title of frame
Western countries who oppose and criticize Russia should take a closer look at their domestic politics
* Frame description
Idea that western nations prone to criticizing Russia lack the moral authority to do so, considering the poor state of their domestic affairs.
* Parent Frame
Russia doesn't need other countries
* What are the social, political, economic, cultural, religious, etc. factors surrounding this frame?
This is the governments' narrative which is supported by the majority of the people. State television and all the state-aligned publications have been supporting this frame for years now.
Everything from new and old sanctions to inability to finish gas line (Severnyi Potok), some of the internal US/EU events and politics (such as, for example, Biden's colonoscopy or Black Lives Matter or Brexit); everything that may lead to criticism of the West and exposure of how Russia is much better in everything. May not be fake news but the framing of the news and events in such a way that they fit the narrative.
* What key search terms, phrases and symbols could be used to find and monitor items related to this narrative?
Запад (West), западные (western); русофобия (russiaphobia)
* Why is this narrative frame important?
While this is usually not 'disinformation', it is very close to it, since it frames the real events in a way that provides a subjective and one-sided view of the world and other countries. It is also encouraging audiences to confirm their ideas of 'enemies' inside and outside the country.
Notes on evolution of frame over research period
Which individuals, groups or entities agree with, support or assert this narrative