Array tomography | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 3D (volume EM)
Correlative Light Electron Microscopy (CLEM) | Light Microscopy
Correlative X-ray and EM (CXEM) | Multimodal Correlative Microscopy | X-ray and EM
Cryo Electron Tomography (cryoET) | Electron Microscopy | Cryo-EM
Cryo fluorescence microscopy (cryoFM) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Cryo Focused Ion Beam (cryoFIB) | Electron Microscopy | Cryo-EM
Cryo Transmission EM (cryoTEM) | Electron Microscopy | Cryo-EM
Cryo-CLEM | Multimodal Correlative Microscopy, Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy | Light Microscopy and EM
Electron Microscopy (EM) | Electron Microscopy
EM tomography | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 3D (volume EM)
Expansion Microscopy | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Fluorescence (Cross-)Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS/FCCS) | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Focused ion beam scanning EM (FIB-SEM) | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 3D (volume EM)
Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
High-speed imaging | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Image analysis | Image Data and Image Analysis | Medical image data services
Imaging at Biosafety Level >1 | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Immuno-fold EM on thawed cryo-sections (Tokuyasu method) | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural localization of molecules
Immuno-gold EM on resin sections | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural localization of molecules
Intravital Microscopy (IVM) | Animal & Plant Imaging
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LSCM/CLSM) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Lattice light-sheet microscopy (LLS) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
micro-CT | Ex-Vivo and Materials Imaging
Objective-Coupled Planar Illumination (OCPI) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Polarization microscopy (PM) | Light Microscopy | Label-free Imaging
Post-embedding CLEM | Light Microscopy, Multimodal Correlative Microscopy | Ultrastructural localization of molecules
Pre-embedding CLEM | Light Microscopy, Multimodal Correlative Microscopy | Ultrastructural localization of molecules
Pre-embedding immunolabelling | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural localization of molecules
Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM) | Electron Microscopy | Scanning Electron Microscopy
Second/Third Harmonic Generation (SHG/THG) | Light Microscopy | Label-free Imaging
Serial Blockface SEM (SB-SEM) | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 3D (volume EM)
Serial section transmission EM (ssTEM) | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 3D (volume EM)
Single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Nanoscopy
Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy systems (SDCM) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Structure Illumination Microscopy (SIM) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Tissue Clearing | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRF) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Transmission EM of chemically fixed samples | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 2D
Transmission EM of cryo-immobilized samples | Electron Microscopy | Ultrastructural Analysis in 2D
Two-photon microscopy (2P) | Light Microscopy | Fluorescence Microscopy
Voltage/pH/Ion Imaging | Light Microscopy | Functional Imaging and specialized methodologies