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User Research Community Sign-Up Form

Thank for your interest in joining the community and influencing the future of our solutions! To get started, please tell us a little about yourself below – it'll take less than 5 minutes.

Age Range
How did you hear about the Nitro User Research Community?
Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
Check all that apply.
Company Size
Which of Nitro's products do you regularly use?
Select all that apply.
Which devices do you regularly use for work?
Select all that apply.
Please think about the tools your team uses at work. Which best describes you?
Are you the Administrator of any Nitro products?
Do you use any of Nitro's Integrations?
Select all that apply.
(such as speech input software, screen magnification, high contrast mode, screen readers, etc.)
Do you identify as having any of the following disabilities
Select all that apply.
Which of the following best describes your Racial/ Ethnic Identity?
Select all that apply.
Which of the following best describes your gender identity?
Select all that apply.
Almost there! Do you agree to be contacted directly by Nitro about upcoming research studies? You'll only receive emails if we genuinely think you are a good match for an upcoming research study. By selecting "Yes, I agree," you consent to the following: - Receiving email communications from Nitro regarding user research - Participating in user studies (including interviews, surveys, and discussions) - Audio and video recordings of user research sessions We take your privacy seriously. Please be assured that the recordings/transcripts will by used by Nitro for internal research and educational purposes only unless further explicit written consent is given by you. We will not share the information you provide in this survey or user studies outside of Nitro. For more information, see Nitro's Privacy Policy. You may opt-out of receiving study invitations from us at any time by emailing:
Last Question! Why are you interested in joining the Nitro Research Community?

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