
Lorem ipsum


STEP 1: Let me know what your current situation is like with the questions below. STEP 2: Schedule your call! --------------- Hate talking on the phone to strangers?! Me too! But fear not. These 10 minutes are going to fly by, and we’re going to keep it simple by focusing on three things: 1. Where you’re at with your body, movement, posture, and self-care now 2. What your biggest movement/self-care challenge is 3. What's standing in the way of you having the body and life you want Enter your details below and we’ll be set to chat—100% awkward free. - Alex | Head Creator + Body Nerd PS don't forget to click through once you submit this form to book your call

What kind of work do you do?
  • {name}
What does your movement + self-care practice look like now?
can include movement, mobility, and self-care
  • {name}
What is your biggest movement challenge?
  • {name}
Are you ready and willing to make a financial and time commitment to solving these challenges? If so, why? If not, why not?
  • {name}
Why do you think I am the right person to help you?
  • {name}

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