CTRL FREQS | New Writer Form
Please fill out all the info below.
As registered with your PRO.
Check if the writer you are entering is already in our system here: https://airtable.com/shrGvTwPTJEFB0LCj
Select an option
NOTE: This is not your PRO "member ID". Please ensure this is your IPI # provided by your PRO
***This is for the NAME of the Publisher***
ASCAP Writers: You MUST include a vanity publishing entity, publisher or admin publisher (ASCAP does not pay publishing to writer accounts).
For Most Non-ASCAP Writers: If your PRO collects your publishing regardless of whether you have a vanity publishing entity, publisher or admin publisher, simply provide your Writer information again.
For Most Non-ASCAP Writers: If your PRO collects your publishing regardless of whether you have a vanity publishing entity, publisher or admin publisher, simply provide your Writer information again.
If you do not know, write "N/A"
If you do not know, write "N/A"
Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form