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The report provides answers to many questions, such as the United States’ global democratic leadership, who is more successful in fighting the epidemic between China and the United States, and which countries are most satisfied with the government’s anti-epidemic actions.
中国日报北京6月13日电 为讲好中国和世界的抗疫故事,生动展现企业在参与全球抗疫、推进经济社会发展中发挥的重要作用,中国日报社于6月12日晚以“云直播”形式举办了主题为“抗击新冠肺炎疫情:企业责任与担当”的“新时代大讲堂”。中国日报社社长兼总编辑周树春发表致辞,以下为全文:
China Daily, Beijing, June 13 In order to tell the story of China and the world’s fight against the epidemic, and to vividly demonstrate the important role of companies in participating in the global fight against In the form of live broadcast, a "New Era Lecture" with the theme "Fighting against the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic: Corporate Responsibility and Accountability" was held. Zhou Shuchun, President and Editor-in-Chief of China Daily, delivered a speech. The following is the full text:
"Apple" received a large number of readers' requests for "class money", but this approach violates our principles. Earlier, Mr. Li Zhiying, the founder of Next Media, responded to this short film, and the preview was to thank you for the new "Support Apple Project" Readers' support for us. "Apple" has officially launched the "Support Apple Plan", in the form of "VIP Support Apple Membership", both new and existing subscribers can "punish" Apple more and enjoy the extraordinary experience of VIP members!
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