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DATAcc Analytical Validation Library

Thank you for sharing our commitment to ensuring that digital health products generate data and information that are trustworthy, equitable, and fit-for-purpose for clinical decision-making. Please share any studies you would like included in the Analytical Validation Library. Check out the DATAcc website for updates on our projects and resources:

  • {name}
Therapeutic Area
If the applicable field does not exist in this list, please leave a comment in the comment box below.
Health Outcomes
If the applicable field does not exist in this list, please leave a comment in the comment box below.
Technology Type
Please choose from the list below.
Form Factor
If the applicable field does not exist in this list, please leave a comment in the comment box below.
Wear Location
If the applicable field does not exist in this list, please leave a comment in the comment box below.
If the applicable field does not exist in this list, please leave a comment in the comment box below.
Make and Model
Include this information or state not applicable
  • {name}
Outcomes Assessed
Include details on the outcomes assessed
  • {name}
Reference Standard
Indicate the reference standard used.
  • {name}
Participant Health Status
How many participants enrolled in the study?
Age Category
Participant Demographics
Study URL
Please provide the link to the article full-text.
  • {name}
Additional Comments
If there are any fields relevant to your work but missing from the items above, please add them here (e.g. sensor).
  • {name}
Indicate if ethics review was conducted
Is this included in the paper?
Statistical analysis and discussion of missing data
Please indicate if statistical analysis was conducted and include any accounting for missing data.
  • {name}
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