Concatenate text values into a single text value.
Joins together the text arguments into a single text value.
CONCATENATE(text1, [text2, ...])
Removes whitespace at the beginning and end of string.
Searches for an occurrence of stringToFind in whereToSearch string starting from an optional startFromPosition. (startFromPosition is 0 by default.) If no occurrence of stringToFind is found, the result will be empty.
SEARCH(stringToFind, whereToSearch,[startFromPosition])
Replaces certain characters with encoded equivalents for use in constructing URLs or URIs. Does not encode the following characters: - _ . ~
Replaces occurrences of old_text with new_text.
SUBSTITUTE(string, old_text, new_text, [index])
Finds an occurrence of stringToFind in whereToSearch string starting from an optional startFromPosition.(startFromPosition is 0 by default.) If no occurrence of stringToFind is found, the result will be 0.
FIND(stringToFind, whereToSearch,[startFromPosition])
Makes a string lowercase.
Makes string uppercase.
Repeats string by the specified number of times.
REPT(string, number)
Extract a substring of count characters starting at whereToStart.
MID(string, whereToStart, count)
Returns the argument if it is text and blank otherwise.
Extract howMany characters from the end of the string.
RIGHT(string, howMany)
Extract how many characters from the beginning of the string.
LEFT(string, howMany)
Returns the length of a string.
Create a line break when inserted between other text in a formula.
Smart quotes (“”)
appear curved and will cause an error in Airtable. Instead, use only straight-lined quotes within formulas.
Extract a substring of count characters starting at whereToStart.
MID(string, whereToStart, count)
Replaces the number of characters beginning with the start character with the replacement text.
REPLACE(string, start_character, number_of_characters, replacement)