Mycelia Villages Application Form
Are you creating a community and you would love to build it within *la tierra*? There are many benefits to do so. You can check them out in our living document at Then please fill out this form
Who is leading this project? *
If you have created a profile, your name should appear if you search for it. If you haven't yet, please fill out this form first and then come back here after you've submitted it.
A village can have more than one representative, if that's the case, please fill out a form for each person you want to list.
Logo and relevant images
Attach any predesigns, renderings or other images which might represent what your village will look like here, please, and we will use it in our Masterplan.
Attach file
Drop files here
Links *
LinkedIn, Website, Insta, Facebook, Twitter, etc…
Use http:// before the link, like this:
Attachments *
Please, attach a 3-minute video and/or pitch deck expressing your vision, values, and why you want to be part of *la tierra*.
Attach file
Drop files here
mini bio *
Please spend a few lines describing your future village here mentioning things like:
- Acreage, how much land are you seeking to settle?
- Population, how many people do you imagine will be living in your village? How many permanent residents, how many transients? How many people have already committed to live in there?
- What kind of activities and event might take place here?
- When would you be ready to start construction? Is this an immediate project which has been in the planning for a while, or still in conceptual stages?
- Do you have an idea of budget yet? Have you explored your financing options? Do you already have financing or are you still looking?
Give as many details as possible so that we may best co-create with you and address your needs.
You can use rich text (bold, links, etc)
Pitch deck / Videos / etc
Paste any links to videos, pitch decks, etc... here
About my project
Feel free to add anything else here, for example:
- What inspiration do you draw from?
- What existing project might your village look like?
Your current base or existing community
Let's finish with some next steps *
Select all the things in here that ring true to you.
We will follow up with a proposal to have a call and discuss next steps :)
- We'd love to build our village in *la tierra*
- We'd love to hire you to help us design our village
- We are interested in using your DEVCO services to build
- We already have funding
- We are looking for funding
Shared Data *
Can we make it public for others to connect with you?
We will only use this for connection, we will never sell it or use it for things not related to *la tierra*
- Yes, you can make it public
- Yes, you can make it public but hide contact details (phone, email)
- Only share my data in private with *la tierra* teams
- Please, keep it to yourself
Kindly, make sure this box is ticked for me 🙏🏼 *
- Mycelia Village
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