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Carryduff GAC "3 for 2023" Project Donations

We have the potential to avail of ~£300,000 in funding from Eastwood Envirowaste Ltd, via the Landfill Community Fund in 2023, which we previously used to install our Community Walkway, kit out our Health & Wellbeing Centre and upgrade the electricity supply to our club. This year we hope to fund a project called ‘Carryduff - 3 for 2023’ to: 1. Design and build Pitch 3 so that it will be playable for at least 9 months of the year. 2. Purchase and install benches around our ground and locate bins around the walkway. 3. Purchase and install LED lights for 4 lighting columns on Pitch 2. *WE HOPE TO RAISE £30K IN 30 DAYS TO MAKE £300K*, so please help us to reach this target! Please fill in your details below & then donate directly to Carryduff's '3 for 2023' project using BACS (details at end of form).

Your Address
  • {name}
Please click in the white box below and select today's date.
By providing a donation to this scheme I agree
That my contribution will be collected by CARRYDUFF GAA Club to be paid to a Landfill Operator in order to release Landfill Communities Fund monies for the “Carryduff 3 for 2023” project development undertaken by CARRYDUFF GAA Club, listed above.
Furthermore, by giving this donation
I confirm that I/my organisation will not derive a unique benefit from any project undertaken by CARRYDUFF GAA Club.
I understand that this donation is not eligible for Gift Aid
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