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Nu School: Student Sign Up Form

Are you a student or recent grad looking for an internship? Complete this form to gain access to companies who are looking for interns. They will also receive your information and will be able to reach out to you directly.

Highly recommended
What size company would you like to work at?
You can select as many as you'd like
How many hours per week do you want to intern at a company for?
What job function best fits what you're looking for?
If a choice is missing, you can add it later on in this form
Describe a project that you worked on that you are proud of. It's best if you can describe it from start to finish including the motivation and what was challenging about it and how you measured success. If you are describing a team effort, please be specific about your personal contribution.
A few sentences is fine!
  • {name}
What are you looking for in your next role? What would you like to avoid? (Might include aspects like skills you want to improve or develop, industries you’re interested in, team dynamics, business practices … whatever is important to you)
  • {name}
Anything else you would like us to know?
  • {name}

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