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UKCOP Alumni Survey

The purpose of this survey is to inform the college on how the current job market is affecting our alumni. The data you provide will not be tied to your official UK record but is critical to help us continue to improve and provide career support services for our alumni. If you have any problems or questions while filling out the form, please email Alumni Relations Director, Rosa Mejia, at

Search for your name by clicking the +Add button below and begin typing.
Did you complete, or are you currently completing, a residency program?
Select all that apply.
Current Employment Status
If employed, which of these best describes the field in which you are employed?
Select all that apply.
If unemployed or retired, state your most recent job title.
If unemployed or retired, state your most recent employer.
Your current salary range
If unemployed or retired select N/A.
Your current student debt range
Your level of satisfaction with how well UKCOP prepared you for your career.
Additional Comments
  • {name}

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