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Glengarry Community Woodlands New Member Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Glengarry Community Woodlands. Please note that if you live outside the geographical area of Glengarry, you will automatically become an Associate Member, and as such won't be able to stand for election to the GCW board or vote in the AGM. Residents of Glengarry will be registered as Ordinary Members and will be able to vote and stand for election to the board. If more than one person in your household is or would like to be a member, please complete one form per person. ------------------------------------------------------------- Glengarry Community Woodlands (SC501083) Registered Charity: SC046134 All information will be held according to our Privacy Notice which you can find here:

  • {name}
Glengarry is defined as postcode areas , PH34 4EA, PH34 4EB, PH35 4HA, PH35 4HB, PH35 4HD PH35 4HG, PH35 4HH, PH35 4HJ, PH35 4HL, PH35 4HP, PH35 4HR, PH35 4HS. Residents of Glengarry will automatically become Ordinary Members, residents of other areas will become Associate Members.
Are you over 18 years of age?
Preferred Contact Method
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Em
Would you like to receive the GCW newsletter?
The GCW newsletter is emailed out quarterly and gives updates on the progress of our projects.

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