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Scale Programmes: Application Form

Please fill in the form below to apply for PwC Scale-up Programmes. The information will be used to assess your suitability for the programme. There are four sections to the application: contact information, company information, investment and sales information and your application. The form should take you about 5 minutes to fill out. GrowthBuilders is a delivery partner for PwC Scale Programmes. We will collect and process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Statement ( We may disclose your personal information and information collected in this form to third parties who assist us in delivering Scale-up programmes, such as PwC.

Programme you are applying to
Description of product / service (in 50 words)
  • {name}
What differentiates you from your main competitors - why do you win? (in 30 words)
  • {name}
What is your traction to date?
Include clients where available/shareable
  • {name}
What is your expected exit time horizon?
Have you previously exited a scale-up business?
What are you looking to get out of the programme? (Max 30 words)
  • {name}
Would you like any support with the following through the programme?
You can speak to one of our on-hand experts
  • Legal
  • Fundraising
  • Finance
  • Recruitment
  • Tax/R&D
  • NED support
How did you hear about us?
Would you like to keep in touch via our newsletter packed full of support and discounts?

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form