2023 PMO Global Awards
PMO Leader of the Year Award - Application Form
This secondary email is important to avoid any communication issues. A Gmail account is the best option.
5 - Country of Residence *
7 - Country of Birth *
12 - Nominee's Photo *
Please attach a high quality photo.
Attach file
Drop files here
13 - Nominee's Curriculum *
Please upload your curriculum in PDF format.
Attach file
Drop files here
14 - On behalf of my organization, I confirm that it agrees with the conditions below and the 2023 PMO Global Awards rules and procedures. *
🔹 The nominee understands and agrees to all PMO Global Awards rules and procedures.
🔹 The nominee agrees to submit the Nomination Package (questionnaire) by the established deadline.
🔹 The nominee agrees that submitting this application establishes a commitment to represent our country in the competition.
🔹 The nominee agrees that the PMO Global Awards glass trophies are offered at no cost; however, we will be responsible for providing - or reimbursing - the international shipping service.
🔹 The nominee agrees that he/she may have distinguished participation in the 2023 PMO Global Awards Conference, which will take place in November 2023.
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